arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
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I2C GPIO pins not working in tasmota_template.h #8276

Closed sebeksd closed 4 years ago

sebeksd commented 4 years ago

user_config_override.txt tasmota_template.txt


I was configuring my own base configuration through "user_config_override.h" and all is working fine. Because not all settings can be overridden with that file I was forced to edit "tasmota_template.h" (at least for now) to edit pins/gpio settings. After editing "WEMOS"/"Generic" my Buttons/LED/PWM are working fine and they disappear from "Module configuration" (WEB) and they are visible in "Template parameters" with correct values. Problem begin to show when I changed two additional GPIO to I2C. I2C pins are not working, they are not appearing in both WEB menus. After issuing I2CScan I get "{"Command":"Error"}". After manually selecting correct pins I2C start working. I've tried to search for the issue but I'm not familiar with Tasmota enough to find where problem is. It looks like GPIO_I2C_SDA, GPIO_I2C_SCL are completely ignored in base configuration. I've attached all necessary files (config override and template).

 { "Lamp",         // WEMOS - Any ESP8266/ESP8285 device like WeMos and NodeMCU hardware (ESP8266)
     GPIO_KEY1_NP,        // GPIO00 D3 Wemos Button Shield
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO01 TX Serial RXD
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO02 D4 Wemos DHT Shield
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO03 RX Serial TXD and Optional sensor
     GPIO_PWM1,        // GPIO04 D2 Wemos I2C SDA
     GPIO_SWT1,        // GPIO05 D1 Wemos I2C SCL / Wemos Relay Shield (0 = Off, 1 = On) / Wemos WS2812B RGB led Shield
                       // GPIO06 (SD_CLK   Flash)
                       // GPIO07 (SD_DATA0 Flash QIO/DIO/DOUT)
                       // GPIO08 (SD_DATA1 Flash QIO/DIO/DOUT)
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO09 (SD_DATA2 Flash QIO or ESP8285)
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO10 (SD_DATA3 Flash QIO or ESP8285)
                       // GPIO11 (SD_CMD   Flash)
     GPIO_I2C_SDA,        // GPIO12 D6
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO13 D7
     GPIO_I2C_SCL,        // GPIO14 D5
     GPIO_USER,        // GPIO15 D8
     GPIO_LED1_INV,        // GPIO16 D0 Wemos Wake
     ADC0_USER         // ADC0 A0 Analog input


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

- [x] Provide the output of this command: `Status 0`:

STATUS 0 output here: 19:51:30 RSL: qiot/things/admin/stat/LampaPokoj/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":18,"FriendlyName":["Lampa pokoj"],"Topic":"LampaPokoj","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":0,"PowerOnState":0,"LedState":0,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}}

- [ ] Provide the output of the Console log output when you experience your issue; if applicable:
  _(Please use_ `weblog 4` _for more debug information)_

Console output here:

Set template GPIO to I2C

1. GPIO set to I2C appear in "Template parameters" as I2C, 
2. GPIO used for I2C dissapear from "Module parameters", 
3. I2C working 

_If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem._


_Add any other context about the problem here._

**(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)**
Jason2866 commented 4 years ago

As designed. No need for using config_override.h or changing tasmota_template.h. You can define all GPIOs you need via the Template function. See

sebeksd commented 4 years ago

Yes I know, I'm want to include everything in single bin file. For now I'm mostly experimenting so there is a chance I will change mind and use different route. Right now my goal is to create gti branch/stash/patch/commit with full configuration of every Tasmota device I have, so in the end if I need to build/reconfigure something I will have it in one place. For example Using WEBUI or/and commands I need to remember to use few SetOptionsX, Templates, Pins and so on. Of course I can just backup my current configuration which is fine (in 90% cases) but like I said I'm experimenting and I like to have everything in one place, human readable (source files instead of config backup), and have a diff (git) of my changes done in the past.

I'm aware that using "tasmota_template.h" is not "advertised" method but I created this ticket because this issue could potentially be something "larger" and reappear in future in more "correct" situation.

ascillato2 commented 4 years ago

After issuing I2CScan I get "{"Command":"Error"}".

That means that I2C was not enabled in your build.

Please, address this to the Tasmota Support Chat. The chat is a better and more dynamic channel for helping you. Github issues are meant for Tasmota Software Bug Reporting.

Please check the Contributing Guideline and Policy and the Support Guide.


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sebeksd commented 4 years ago

"#define USE_I2C" is in my_user_config.h and in user_config_override.h. Code "Wire.begi.." in "void GpioInit(void)" is called. Also disabling USE_I2C mean that configuring I2C GPIO through WEB would not work but it do.

I will try to use Chat like you mentioned but tomorrow. Thanks.

sebeksd commented 4 years ago

For some reason It start working as I was hoping, I2C pins are loaded from template I've changed. Why it wasn't working in the first place I can only guess that it was related to not erasing flash before upload, I'm new to PlatformIO and I wasn't paying attention to If erase flash on upload is done by default or not.

To summaries: Changing "tasmota_template.h" can be used to configure GPIO in firmware.

ascillato commented 4 years ago

Another new method is as

Just uncomment line 56 of file my_user_config.h and set there the module template you want