arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
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Spontaneous reboot shutter #9340

Closed dr3men closed 3 years ago

dr3men commented 3 years ago


I already wrote about the problem with Shater, when he starts giving an endless command: I have updated to the latest firmware with full uninstall. The problem I described was solved, BUT now I started to have another problem. I send the tent up (Close) and down () several times and, for example, the third time the ESP reboots itself. First, it gives a pulse that does not correspond to the set speed and after a second I reboot


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

- [x ] Provide the output of this command: `Status 0`:

STATUS 0 output here: 17:48:58 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "STATUS", Data "0" 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":18,"DeviceName":"Tasmota","FriendlyName":["Tasmota","Tasmota2","Tasmota3"],"Topic":"blinde","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":4,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"tasmotas","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Hardware Watchdog","Uptime":"0T00:16:38","StartupUTC":"2020-09-18T16:32:20","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":16,"BCResetTime":"2020-09-18T16:58:43","SaveCount":89,"SaveAddress":"FB000"}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2020-09-18T07:23:42","Boot":31,"Core":"2_7_41","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","CpuFrequency":80,"Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"329/699"}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":4,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["AuthMe",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["00008009","2805C8000100060000005A00000000000000","40000000","00006000","00000000"]}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":600,"Free":400,"Heap":23,"ProgramFlashSize":4096,"FlashSize":4096,"FlashChipId":"164020","FlashFrequency":40,"FlashMode":2,"Features":["00000809","8FDAE797","04368001","000000CD","010013C0","C000F981","00004004","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,27,29,30,35,37","Sensors":"1,2,3,4,5,6"}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"blinde-6833","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"8C:AA:B5:1B:9A:B1","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":17.0}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"DVES%06X","MqttClient":"DVES_1B9AB1","MqttUser":"dr3men","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2020-09-18T16:48:58","Local":"2020-09-18T17:48:58","StartDST":"2020-03-29T02:00:00","EndDST":"2020-10-25T03:00:00","Timezone":"+01:00","Sunrise":"06:31","Sunset":"18:56"}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2020-09-18T17:48:58","COUNTER":{"C1":1215168},"Shutter1":{"Position":100,"Direction":0,"Target":100}}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2020-09-18T17:48:58","Uptime":"0T00:16:38","UptimeSec":998,"Heap":23,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":10,"LoadAvg":99,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","POWER3":"ON","Dimmer":10,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"AuthMe","BSSId":"50:FF:20:22:1E:54","Channel":9,"RSSI":50,"Signal":-75,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}} 17:48:58 MQT: stat/blinde/STATUS13 = {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":810,"Close":810,"50perc":50,"Delay":20,"Opt":"0000","Calib":"300:500:700:900:1000","Mode":"0"}}

- [x ] Provide the output of the Console log output when you experience your issue; if applicable:
  _(Please use_ `weblog 4` _for more debug information)_

Console output here: 18:05:27 SHT: time: 214, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1407000, next_stop 1397500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 215, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1406000, next_stop 1396500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 217, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1404000, next_stop 1394500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 217, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1404000, next_stop 1394500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 218, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1403000, next_stop 1393500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 1403000, Start 1620000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 10.90 [s], Freq 15000, PWM 0 18:05:27 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":87,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 18:05:27 SHT: time: 219, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1402000, next_stop 1392500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 220, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1401000, next_stop 1391500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 221, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1400000, next_stop 1390500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 222, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1399000, next_stop 1389500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 227, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1394000, next_stop 1384500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:27 SHT: time: 228, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1393000, next_stop 1383500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 274, toBeAcc 102, current_stop_way -3537,vel_vur 8544, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -765, min_runtime_ms 620, act.pos 1348000, next_stop 1344463, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 274, toBeAcc 102, current_stop_way -3537,vel_vur 8544, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -765, min_runtime_ms 620, act.pos 1348000, next_stop 1344463, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 275, toBeAcc 93, current_stop_way -2955,vel_vur 7847, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -697, min_runtime_ms 569, act.pos 1348000, next_stop 1345045, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 276, toBeAcc 101, current_stop_way -2474,vel_vur 7090, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -757, min_runtime_ms 523, act.pos 1347000, next_stop 1344526, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 278, toBeAcc 104, current_stop_way -1603,vel_vur 5620, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -780, min_runtime_ms 426, act.pos 1346000, next_stop 1344397, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 278, toBeAcc 104, current_stop_way -1603,vel_vur 5620, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -780, min_runtime_ms 426, act.pos 1346000, next_stop 1344397, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 1346000, Start 1620000, Stop 1344600, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 13.90 [s], Freq 5620, PWM 0 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":83,"Direction":-1,"Target":83}} 18:05:30 SHT: time: 279, toBeAcc 96, current_stop_way -1213,vel_vur 4900, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -720, min_runtime_ms 374, act.pos 1346000, next_stop 1344787, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 280, toBeAcc 85, current_stop_way -901,vel_vur 4225, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -675, min_runtime_ms 326, act.pos 1346000, next_stop 1345099, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 281, toBeAcc 108, current_stop_way -650,vel_vur 3415, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -810, min_runtime_ms 281, act.pos 1345000, next_stop 1344350, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 283, toBeAcc 91, current_stop_way -225,vel_vur 1983, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -682, min_runtime_ms 177, act.pos 1345000, next_stop 1344775, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 284, toBeAcc 78, current_stop_way -108,vel_vur 1308, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -675, min_runtime_ms 132, act.pos 1345000, next_stop 1344892, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 284, toBeAcc 78, current_stop_way -108,vel_vur 1308, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -675, min_runtime_ms 132, act.pos 1345000, next_stop 1344892, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: time: 285, toBeAcc 58, current_stop_way -32,vel_vur 633, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change -675, min_runtime_ms 87, act.pos 1345000, next_stop 1344968, target: 1344600, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:30 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 18:05:30 SHT: Remain steps -18353, counter 206763, freq 633 18:05:30 SHT: Real 1345000, pulsecount 206764, start 1620000 18:05:30 SRC: Shutter 18:05:30 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 18:05:30 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 2, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/POWER1 = OFF 18:05:30 SRC: Shutter 18:05:30 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 18:05:30 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/POWER2 = OFF 18:05:30 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 1345000, Start 1345000, Stop 1344600, Dir 0, Delay 20, Rtc 14.25 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/SHUTTER1 = 83 18:05:30 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":83,"Direction":0,"Target":83}} 18:05:33 SHT: time: 17, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 6000,vel_vur 12750, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 750, min_runtime_ms 800, act.pos 1351000, next_stop 1357000, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 SHT: time: 18, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 6800,vel_vur 13500, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 750, min_runtime_ms 850, act.pos 1352000, next_stop 1358800, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 SHT: time: 19, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 7650,vel_vur 14250, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 750, min_runtime_ms 900, act.pos 1353000, next_stop 1360650, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 8550,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 750, min_runtime_ms 950, act.pos 1354000, next_stop 1362550, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 101, Bytes 4096 18:05:33 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1355000, next_stop 1364500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 SHT: time: 22, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1356000, next_stop 1365500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:05:33 SHT: time: 23, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1357000, next_stop 1366500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750


18:13:14 SHT: time: 1574, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 57000, next_stop 47500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:14 SHT: time: 1575, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 56000, next_stop 46500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:14 SHT: time: 1576, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 55000, next_stop 45500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:15 SHT: time: 1581, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 50000, next_stop 40500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 39, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1582000, next_stop 1572500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 40, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1581000, next_stop 1571500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 41, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1580000, next_stop 1570500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 42, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1579000, next_stop 1569500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 43, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1578000, next_stop 1568500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 44, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1577000, next_stop 1567500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 45, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1576000, next_stop 1566500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 46, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1575000, next_stop 1565500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 00:00:02 SHT: time: 47, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1574000, next_stop 1564500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:23 SHT: time: 54, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1567000, next_stop 1557500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:23 SHT: time: 58, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1563000, next_stop 1553500, target: 0, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:23 MQT: Attempting connection... 18:13:23 MQT: Connected 18:13:23 MQT: tele/blinde/LWT = Online (retained) 18:13:23 MQT: cmnd/blinde/POWER = 18:13:23 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/blinde/# 18:13:23 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/tasmotas/# 18:13:23 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/DVES_1B9AB1_fb/# 18:13:23 MQT: Unsubscribe from homeassistant/status 18:13:23 MQT: tele/blinde/INFO1 = {"Module":"Generic","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_1B9AB1_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"} 18:13:23 MQT: tele/blinde/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"blinde-6833","IPAddress":""} 18:13:23 MQT: tele/blinde/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":{"Exception":0,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["4000dce5","00000000","40000f68"],"EXCVADDR":"00000000","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["4024a25a","4020e2a0","4024b522","40270dd0","4024c512","40270ddd","40270e22","40248a64","40000f49","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19","40105a3d","40105a43","4010000d","40269868","40269819","401003b6","401013ed","401013d5","4010591f","40104afa","40101314","4000050c","4000d578","40100b04","40102684","40105937","4010321b","4000050c","401033fc"]}} 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/POWER1 = ON 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/POWER2 = ON 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"} 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/POWER3 = ON 18:13:23 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 1553000, Start 1620000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 3.40 [s], Freq 15000, PWM 0 18:13:23 MQT: stat/blinde/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":96,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 18:13:46 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1272000, next_stop 1281500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:46 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1272000, next_stop 1281500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:46 SHT: time: 69, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1273000, next_stop 1282500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:46 SHT: time: 70, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1274000, next_stop 1283500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:46 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1276000, next_stop 1285500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:46 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1276000, next_stop 1285500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:47 SHT: time: 73, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1277000, next_stop 1286500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750 18:13:47 SHT: time: 74, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 15000, vel_max 15000, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 1278000, next_stop 1287500, target: 1620000, velocity_change_per_step_max 750

_Steps to reproduce the behavior:_

_A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen._

_If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem._

_Add any other context about the problem here._

**(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)**
TrDA-hab commented 3 years ago

The first thing I see is that the speed of the stepper motor should be optimally in the range of 400 - 4500 Hertz (1 Hertz == 1 step).


  1. ShutterFrequency 15000 - just kills the stepper motor!
  2. Huge self-induction drives the stepper motor controller crazy.
  3. If you need high speed you must use an overdrive gearbox. And this is without options.

p.p.s stepper motor datasheet:

TrDA-hab commented 3 years ago

Please test the operation of the stepper motor using ShutterFrequency 2500. And tell us if there is an error.

TrDA-hab commented 3 years ago

I will check your information and use Just wait 1 day.

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

Hi friends, yes 15000 hz is quite a lot. Anyway I see a bug.high frequency and/or like long runtime cause sometime to hit the int32 bit calculation range. I can see after the stop thatcher remaining steps are totally wrong. Before this everything is fine. This also might responsible for the reboot. Thanks for reporting.

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

I checked my old documentation and even with 24v on the driver it was impossible to get higher then 8000hz. Even with the softest ramp. Now I see a one second ramp an 15khz. Just wondering about this super stepper motor.

dr3men commented 3 years ago

Previously, I had a half step 1/16 when it worked at 20,000. The motor and driver did not warm up. Thanks for the recommendations. I reduced the frequency to 2000 and increased the step to 1/2. The reboot problems I previously described were gone, but the following appeared:

good: bad:

Program Version

2020-09-19T14:22:41 2_7_4_1/2.2.2-dev(38a443e)

lvl 4 log is not written, because the device freezes. I reflash Wemos again, set up, it resumes work.

TrDA-hab commented 3 years ago

I tested and 8.2.0 The behavior is the same.

  1. If you do not wait for the end of the command execution and give a new command, then after 3-7 commands the ESP freezes (buffer overflow is possible).
  2. If you wait for the end of the command execution and give a new command after 1 second, then everything works fine.
sergios100 commented 3 years ago

I think I have a similar issue:

I start the shutter by pressing the "up" arrow button in the Webinterface, Stepper-Motor starts to move as expected. To stop the upwards movement I press once again the "up" arrow button, Stepper-Motor starts to ramp down. So far so good. But instead of staying still there it starts to move move again. According to the weblog 4 output, somethings seems to go wrong.

Here is my setup:

[x ] Provide the output of command: Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255:

13:05:56 SRC: Serial 13:05:56 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "BACKLOG", Data "Template; Module; GPIO 255" 13:05:56 SRC: Backlog 13:05:56 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "TEMPLATE", Data "" 13:05:56 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"NAME":"ESP32-DevKit","GPIO":[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1} 13:05:56 SRC: Backlog 13:05:56 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "MODULE", Data "" 13:05:56 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Module":{"1":"ESP32-DevKit"}} 13:05:56 SRC: Backlog 13:05:56 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "GPIO", Data "255" 13:05:56 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"416":"PWM1"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"352":"Counter1"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"225":"Relay2"},"GPIO5":{"256":"Relay_i1"},"GPIO12":{"0":"None"},"GPIO13":{"0":"None"},"GPIO14":{"0":"None"},"GPIO15":{"0":"None"},"GPIO16":{"0":"None"},"GPIO17":{"0":"None"},"GPIO18":{"0":"None"},"GPIO19":{"0":"None"},"GPIO21":{"0":"None"},"GPIO22":{"0":"None"},"GPIO23":{"0":"None"},"GPIO25":{"0":"None"},"GPIO26":{"0":"None"},"GPIO27":{"0":"None"},"GPIO32":{"0":"None"},"GPIO33":{"0":"None"},"GPIO34":{"0":"None"},"GPIO35":{"0":"None"},"GPIO36":{"0":"None"},"GPIO39":{"0":"None"}}

Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3

13:16:31 CMD: Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3 13:16:31 SRC: Serial 13:16:31 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "BACKLOG", Data "Rule1; Rule2; Rule3" 13:16:32 SRC: Backlog 13:16:32 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "RULE", Data "" 13:16:32 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Rule1":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Length":0,"Free":511,"Rules":""} 13:16:32 SRC: Backlog 13:16:32 CMD: Group 0, Index 2, Command "RULE", Data "" 13:16:32 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Rule2":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Length":0,"Free":511,"Rules":""} 13:16:32 SRC: Backlog 13:16:32 CMD: Group 0, Index 3, Command "RULE", Data "" 13:16:32 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Rule3":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Length":0,"Free":511,"Rules":""}

[x ] Provide the output of this command: Status 0: 13:07:46 SRC: Serial 13:07:46 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "STATUS", Data "0" 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":1,"DeviceName":"Tasmota","FriendlyName":["Tasmota","Tasmota2","Tasmota3"],"Topic":"tasmota_FCB308","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":4,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"tasmotas","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Vbat power on reset","Uptime":"0T00:08:54","StartupUTC":"2020-09-20T11:58:52","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":50,"BCResetTime":"2020-09-14T11:50:34","SaveCount":359}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2020-09-18T07:24:00","Core":"1_0_4","SDK":"v3.2.3-14-gd3e562907","CpuFrequency":80,"Hardware":"ESP32","CR":"385/699"}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":4,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["FaryUltra",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["00008009","2805C8000100060000005A00000000000000","40000000","00006000","00000000"]}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":1049,"Free":1984,"Heap":111,"PsrMax":0,"PsrFree":0,"ProgramFlashSize":4096,"FlashSize":4096,"FlashFrequency":40,"FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000809","8FDAC787","00140001","000000CF","010013C0","40000981","00004000","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,20,21,24,26,27,29","Sensors":"1,2,3,5,6"}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"tasmota_FCB308-4872","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"24:62:AB:FC:B3:08","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":17.0}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"DVES_%06X","MqttClient":"DVES_FCB308","MqttUser":"DVES_USER","MqttCount":0,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2020-09-20T12:07:46","Local":"2020-09-20T13:07:46","StartDST":"2020-03-29T02:00:00","EndDST":"2020-10-25T03:00:00","Timezone":"+01:00","Sunrise":"06:34","Sunset":"18:51"}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2020-09-20T13:07:46","COUNTER":{"C1":5057},"Shutter1":{"Position":8,"Direction":0,"Target":8}}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2020-09-20T13:07:46","Uptime":"0T00:08:54","UptimeSec":534,"Heap":111,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":10,"LoadAvg":99,"MqttCount":0,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","POWER3":"ON","Dimmer":10,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"FaryUltra","BSSId":"28:CF:E9:84:1B:30","Channel":1,"RSSI":90,"Signal":-55,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}}} 13:07:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/STATUS13 = {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":100,"Close":100,"50perc":50,"Delay":20,"Opt":"0000","Calib":"300:500:700:900:1000","Mode":"0"}}

At 13:03:13 I press the "up" key to stopt the movement. At 13:03:14 it seems to ramp down, but then it decides to start again, without user interaction:

[x ] Provide the output of the Console log output when you experience your issue; if applicable: (Please use weblog 4 for more debug information)

13:03:09 SRC: WebGui from 13:03:09 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopOpen" 13:03:09 SHT: Pos. in: payload StopOpen (8), payload -99, idx 1, src 7 13:03:09 SHT: Pos. in: payload StopOpen (8), payload 100, idx 1, src 7 13:03:09 SHT: lastsource 7:, real 8000, target 200000, payload 100 13:03:09 SRC: Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Switched relay: 0 by Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 0, manual change 0 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER2 = OFF 13:03:09 SRC: Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 1, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER1 = ON 13:03:09 SRC: Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Switched relay: 0 by Shutter 13:03:09 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 1, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 0, manual change 0 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"} 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER3 = ON 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":100} 13:03:09 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 8000, Start 8000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 20, Rtc 0.10 [s], Freq 150, PWM 0 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":4,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 13:03:09 SHT: time: 2, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_vur 150, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 50, act.pos 8000, next_stop 8000, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 3, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 50,vel_vur 225, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 100, act.pos 8000, next_stop 8050, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 4, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 150,vel_vur 300, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 150, act.pos 8000, next_stop 8150, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 5, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 300,vel_vur 375, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 200, act.pos 8000, next_stop 8300, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 6, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 500,vel_vur 450, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 250, act.pos 8000, next_stop 8500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 7, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 750,vel_vur 525, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 300, act.pos 9000, next_stop 9750, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 8, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 1050,vel_vur 600, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 350, act.pos 9000, next_stop 10050, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 9, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 1400,vel_vur 675, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 400, act.pos 9000, next_stop 10400, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 9000, Start 8000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 20, Rtc 0.45 [s], Freq 675, PWM 0 13:03:09 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":5,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 13:03:09 SHT: time: 10, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 1800,vel_vur 750, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 450, act.pos 10000, next_stop 11800, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 11, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 2250,vel_vur 825, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 500, act.pos 10000, next_stop 12250, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:09 SHT: time: 12, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 2750,vel_vur 900, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 550, act.pos 11000, next_stop 13750, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 13, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 3300,vel_vur 975, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 600, act.pos 11000, next_stop 14300, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 14, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 3900,vel_vur 1050, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 650, act.pos 12000, next_stop 15900, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 15, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 4550,vel_vur 1125, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 700, act.pos 13000, next_stop 17550, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 CFG: Saved, Count 357, Bytes 4096 13:03:10 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 18000, next_stop 27500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 22, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 19000, next_stop 28500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 23, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 20000, next_stop 29500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 24, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 21000, next_stop 30500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 25, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 22000, next_stop 31500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 26, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 23000, next_stop 32500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 27, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 24000, next_stop 33500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 28, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 25000, next_stop 34500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 29, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 26000, next_stop 35500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 26000, Start 8000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 20, Rtc 1.45 [s], Freq 1500, PWM 0 13:03:10 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":13,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 13:03:10 SHT: time: 30, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 27000, next_stop 36500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 31, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 28000, next_stop 37500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:10 SHT: time: 32, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 29000, next_stop 38500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 33, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 30000, next_stop 39500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 34, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 31000, next_stop 40500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 35, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 32000, next_stop 41500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 36, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 33000, next_stop 42500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 37, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 34000, next_stop 43500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 38, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 35000, next_stop 44500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 39, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 36000, next_stop 45500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 40, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 37000, next_stop 46500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 41, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 38000, next_stop 47500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 42, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 39000, next_stop 48500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 43, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 40000, next_stop 49500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 44, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 41000, next_stop 50500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 45, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 42000, next_stop 51500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 46, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 43000, next_stop 52500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 47, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 44000, next_stop 53500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 48, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 45000, next_stop 54500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 50, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 47000, next_stop 56500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 47000, Start 8000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 20, Rtc 2.50 [s], Freq 1500, PWM 0 13:03:11 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":24,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 13:03:11 SHT: time: 50, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 47000, next_stop 56500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 51, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 48000, next_stop 57500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:11 SHT: time: 52, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 49000, next_stop 58500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 53, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 50000, next_stop 59500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 54, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 51000, next_stop 60500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 55, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 52000, next_stop 61500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 56, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 53000, next_stop 62500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 57, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 54000, next_stop 63500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 58, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 55000, next_stop 64500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 59, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 56000, next_stop 65500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 60, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 57000, next_stop 66500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 61, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 58000, next_stop 67500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 62, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 59000, next_stop 68500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 63, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 60000, next_stop 69500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 64, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 61000, next_stop 70500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 65, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 62000, next_stop 71500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 66, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 63000, next_stop 72500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 67, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 64000, next_stop 73500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 65000, next_stop 74500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 69, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 66000, next_stop 75500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 66000, Start 8000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 20, Rtc 3.45 [s], Freq 1500, PWM 0 13:03:12 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":33,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 13:03:12 SHT: time: 70, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 67000, next_stop 76500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 71, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 68000, next_stop 77500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:12 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 69000, next_stop 78500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:13 SHT: time: 73, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 70000, next_stop 79500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:13 SHT: time: 74, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 71000, next_stop 80500, target: 200000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:13 SRC: WebGui from 13:03:13 SRC: WebGui from 13:03:13 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopOpen" 13:03:13 SHT: Pos. in: payload StopOpen (8), payload -99, idx 1, src 7 13:03:13 SHT: Stop moving 1: dir: 1 13:03:13 SHT: Pos. in: payload StopOpen (8), payload 8, idx 1, src 7 13:03:13 SHT: lastsource 7:, real 73000, target 16000, payload 8 13:03:13 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1500, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1418, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1336, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1254, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1172, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1090, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 1008, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 926, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 844, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 762, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 680, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 598, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 516, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 434, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 352, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 270, delta: -82 13:03:13 SHT: velocity: 188, delta: -82 13:03:14 SHT: Remain steps -5043, counter 5643, freq 106 13:03:14 SHT: Real 83000, pulsecount 5645, start 8000 13:03:14 SRC: Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER1 = OFF 13:03:14 SRC: Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 2, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER2 = ON 13:03:14 SRC: Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 3, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER1 = ON 13:03:14 SRC: Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Switched relay: 0 by Shutter 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 3, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 0, manual change 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"} 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER3 = ON 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":8} 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 83000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 0.10 [s], Freq 150, PWM 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":42,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:14 SHT: time: 2, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_vur 150, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 50, act.pos 83000, next_stop 83000, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 CFG: Saved, Count 358, Bytes 4096 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 82000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 0.35 [s], Freq 525, PWM 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":41,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:14 SHT: time: 8, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -1050,vel_vur 600, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 350, act.pos 82000, next_stop 80950, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 9, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -1400,vel_vur 675, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 400, act.pos 82000, next_stop 80600, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 10, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -1800,vel_vur 750, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 450, act.pos 81000, next_stop 79200, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 11, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -2250,vel_vur 825, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 500, act.pos 81000, next_stop 78750, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 12, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -2750,vel_vur 900, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 550, act.pos 80000, next_stop 77250, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 13, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -3300,vel_vur 975, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 600, act.pos 80000, next_stop 76700, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 14, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -3900,vel_vur 1050, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 650, act.pos 79000, next_stop 75100, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 15, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -4550,vel_vur 1125, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 700, act.pos 78000, next_stop 73450, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 78000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 0.75 [s], Freq 1125, PWM 0 13:03:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":39,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:14 SHT: time: 16, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -5250,vel_vur 1200, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 750, act.pos 78000, next_stop 72750, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 17, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -6000,vel_vur 1275, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 800, act.pos 77000, next_stop 71000, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:14 SHT: time: 18, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -6800,vel_vur 1350, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 850, act.pos 76000, next_stop 69200, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 19, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -7650,vel_vur 1425, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 900, act.pos 75000, next_stop 67350, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -8550,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 75, min_runtime_ms 950, act.pos 74000, next_stop 65450, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 73000, next_stop 63500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 22, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 72000, next_stop 62500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 23, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 71000, next_stop 61500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 24, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 70000, next_stop 60500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 25, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 69000, next_stop 59500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 26, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 68000, next_stop 58500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 27, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 67000, next_stop 57500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 28, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 66000, next_stop 56500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 29, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 65000, next_stop 55500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 30, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 64000, next_stop 54500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 31, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 63000, next_stop 53500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 32, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 62000, next_stop 52500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 33, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 61000, next_stop 51500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 34, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 60000, next_stop 50500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 35, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 59000, next_stop 49500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 59000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 1.75 [s], Freq 1500, PWM 0 13:03:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":30,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:15 SHT: time: 36, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 58000, next_stop 48500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 37, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 57000, next_stop 47500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 38, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 56000, next_stop 46500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:15 SHT: time: 39, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 55000, next_stop 45500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 40, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 54000, next_stop 44500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 41, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 53000, next_stop 43500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 42, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 52000, next_stop 42500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 43, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 51000, next_stop 41500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 44, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 50000, next_stop 40500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 45, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 49000, next_stop 39500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 46, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 48000, next_stop 38500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 47, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 47000, next_stop 37500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 48, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 46000, next_stop 36500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 49, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 45000, next_stop 35500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 50, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 44000, next_stop 34500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 51, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 43000, next_stop 33500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 52, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 42000, next_stop 32500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 53, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 41000, next_stop 31500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 54, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 40000, next_stop 30500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 55, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 39000, next_stop 29500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 39000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 2.75 [s], Freq 1500, PWM 0 13:03:16 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":20,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:16 SHT: time: 56, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 38000, next_stop 28500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 57, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 37000, next_stop 27500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 58, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 36000, next_stop 26500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:16 SHT: time: 59, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 35000, next_stop 25500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 60, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 34000, next_stop 24500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 61, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 33000, next_stop 23500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 62, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 32000, next_stop 22500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 63, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 31000, next_stop 21500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 64, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 30000, next_stop 20500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 65, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 29000, next_stop 19500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 66, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 28000, next_stop 18500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 67, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1500, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change 0, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 27000, next_stop 17500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 95, current_stop_way -9500,vel_vur 1429, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -71, min_runtime_ms 1000, act.pos 26000, next_stop 16500, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 69, toBeAcc 96, current_stop_way -8592,vel_vur 1357, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -72, min_runtime_ms 952, act.pos 25000, next_stop 16408, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 70, toBeAcc 97, current_stop_way -7725,vel_vur 1285, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -72, min_runtime_ms 904, act.pos 24000, next_stop 16275, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 71, toBeAcc 99, current_stop_way -6904,vel_vur 1211, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -74, min_runtime_ms 856, act.pos 23000, next_stop 16096, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 101, current_stop_way -6111,vel_vur 1136, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -75, min_runtime_ms 807, act.pos 22000, next_stop 15889, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 73, toBeAcc 92, current_stop_way -5354,vel_vur 1067, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -69, min_runtime_ms 757, act.pos 22000, next_stop 16646, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 74, toBeAcc 96, current_stop_way -4701,vel_vur 995, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -72, min_runtime_ms 711, act.pos 21000, next_stop 16299, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 75, toBeAcc 100, current_stop_way -4066,vel_vur 920, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -75, min_runtime_ms 663, act.pos 20000, next_stop 15934, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 20000, Start 83000, Stop 16000, Dir -1, Delay 20, Rtc 3.75 [s], Freq 920, PWM 0 13:03:17 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":10,"Direction":-1,"Target":8}} 13:03:17 SHT: time: 76, toBeAcc 92, current_stop_way -3452,vel_vur 851, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -69, min_runtime_ms 613, act.pos 20000, next_stop 16548, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 77, toBeAcc 99, current_stop_way -2932,vel_vur 777, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -74, min_runtime_ms 567, act.pos 19000, next_stop 16068, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 78, toBeAcc 89, current_stop_way -2424,vel_vur 710, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -67, min_runtime_ms 518, act.pos 19000, next_stop 16576, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:17 SHT: time: 79, toBeAcc 100, current_stop_way -2002,vel_vur 635, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -75, min_runtime_ms 473, act.pos 18000, next_stop 15998, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: time: 80, toBeAcc 91, current_stop_way -1578,vel_vur 567, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -68, min_runtime_ms 423, act.pos 18000, next_stop 16422, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: time: 81, toBeAcc 106, current_stop_way -1239,vel_vur 488, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -79, min_runtime_ms 378, act.pos 17000, next_stop 15761, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: time: 82, toBeAcc 97, current_stop_way -894,vel_vur 416, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -72, min_runtime_ms 325, act.pos 17000, next_stop 16106, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: time: 83, toBeAcc 87, current_stop_way -629,vel_vur 349, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -67, min_runtime_ms 277, act.pos 17000, next_stop 16371, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: time: 84, toBeAcc 118, current_stop_way -422,vel_vur 267, vel_max 1500, act_vel_change -82, min_runtime_ms 232, act.pos 16000, next_stop 15578, target: 16000, velocity_change_per_step_max 75 13:03:18 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 13:03:18 SHT: velocity: 267, delta: -82 13:03:18 SHT: velocity: 185, delta: -82 13:03:18 SHT: Remain steps -30, counter 5055, freq 105 13:03:18 SHT: Real 16000, pulsecount 5057, start 83000 13:03:18 SRC: Shutter 13:03:18 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 13:03:18 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 2, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER1 = OFF 13:03:18 SRC: Shutter 13:03:18 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 13:03:18 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/POWER2 = OFF 13:03:18 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 16000, Start 16000, Stop 16000, Dir 0, Delay 20, Rtc 4.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/SHUTTER1 = 8 13:03:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_FCB308/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":8,"Direction":0,"Target":8}} 13:03:19 CFG: Saved, Count 359, Bytes 4096 13:03:23 WIF: Checking connection...

Uups, my posted code looks like a big mess. I tried to attach it as a text file: Shutter-Issues.txt

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

Hi gents. Thanks for sharing. I will take a look this evening. So far I have not seen this but as always the customer is right. Let me try to reproduce. Look like a bug

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

Ok. I am able to reproduce the error. The stop function needs rework for the stepper motors. I still have now an exception after the stop command without any idea why and were. Working......

TrDA-hab commented 3 years ago

This is good news. I'm ready to run new tests.

sergios100 commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

I did some further investigation. Besides the Issue that we have on the Stepper stopfunction, there seems to be (the same?) issue also in Shutter mode 1. I took a freshly flashed ESP8266, set Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255

10:47:33 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"NAME":"Generic","GPIO":[255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255],"FLAG":15,"BASE":18}

10:47:34 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Module":{"18":"Generic"}}

10:47:34 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"0":"None"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"0":"None"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"22":"Relay2"},"GPIO5":{"21":"Relay1"},"GPIO9":{"0":"None"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"0":"None"},"GPIO13":{"0":"None"},"GPIO14":{"0":"None"},"GPIO15":{"0":"None"},"GPIO16":{"0":"None"}}

in short: Relay1 = GPIO5 and Relay2 = GPIO4

SetOption80 1 and Interlock 1,2 as well as Interlock ON so pretty stock.

Now when I press the down button on the Webinterface, shutter starts to move downwards and if I press the down button on the Web Interface once more, it stops, as expected, see Log here:

10:57:46 SRC: WebGui from 10:57:46 SRC: WebGui from 10:57:46 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopClose" 10:57:46 SRC: Shutter 10:57:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 10:57:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = ON 10:57:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":0} 10:57:46 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 101000, Start 101000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.05 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":51,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 10:57:46 CFG: Saved to flash at FB, Count 41, Bytes 4096 10:57:47 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 85000, Start 101000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.85 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:47 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":43,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 10:57:48 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 65000, Start 101000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.85 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":33,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 10:57:49 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 45000, Start 101000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 2.85 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:49 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":23,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}}

Here the "down button" is pressed again:

10:57:50 SRC: WebGui from 10:57:50 SRC: WebGui from 10:57:50 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopClose" 10:57:50 SHT: Stop moving 1: dir: -1 10:57:50 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":9} 10:57:50 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 25000, Start 101000, Stop 18000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 3.85 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:50 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":13,"Direction":-1,"Target":9}} 10:57:50 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 10:57:51 SRC: Shutter 10:57:51 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 10:57:51 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = OFF 10:57:51 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 18000, Start 18000, Stop 18000, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 4.20 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 10:57:51 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/SHUTTER1 = 9 10:57:51 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":9,"Direction":0,"Target":9}} 10:57:51 CFG: Saved to flash at FA, Count 42, Bytes 4096

Shutter stops as expected

Lets do it now with the "up button":

11:01:45 SRC: WebGui from 11:01:45 SRC: WebGui from 11:01:45 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopOpen" 11:01:45 SRC: Shutter 11:01:45 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 11:01:45 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER1 = ON 11:01:45 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":100} 11:01:45 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 101000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.10 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:45 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":51,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:01:45 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 106000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:45 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":53,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:01:45 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 45, Bytes 4096 11:01:46 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 126000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:46 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":63,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:01:47 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 146000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 2.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:47 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":73,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} Here the "up button" is pressed again: 11:01:48 SRC: WebGui from 11:01:48 SRC: WebGui from 11:01:48 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERPOSITION", Data "StopOpen" 11:01:48 SHT: Stop moving 1: dir: 1 11:01:48 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 11:01:48 SRC: Shutter 11:01:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 11:01:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER1 = OFF

till here everything seems fine, Power1 is set to off

but why is Power2 turned ON again? Who said the Shutter shall move to Target 54: 11:01:48 SRC: Shutter 11:01:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 11:01:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = ON 11:01:48 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":54} 11:01:49 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 161000, Start 166000, Stop 108000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:49 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":81,"Direction":-1,"Target":54}} 11:01:49 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 161000, Start 166000, Stop 108000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:49 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":81,"Direction":-1,"Target":54}} 11:01:49 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 157000, Start 166000, Stop 108000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.50 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:49 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":79,"Direction":-1,"Target":54}} 11:01:49 CFG: Saved to flash at F6, Count 46, Bytes 4096 11:01:50 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 137000, Start 166000, Stop 108000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.50 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:50 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":69,"Direction":-1,"Target":54}} 11:01:51 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 117000, Start 166000, Stop 108000, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 2.50 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:51 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":59,"Direction":-1,"Target":54}} 11:01:51 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 11:01:52 SRC: Shutter 11:01:52 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 11:01:52 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = OFF 11:01:52 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 108000, Start 108000, Stop 108000, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 2.95 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:01:52 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/SHUTTER1 = 54 11:01:52 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":54,"Direction":0,"Target":54}} 11:01:52 CFG: Saved to flash at F5, Count 47, Bytes 4096

Hope this helps and thanks a lot Stefan for your investigation!

sergios100 commented 3 years ago

One more thing: It seems to be related to the Webinterface button! If i assign Hardware-inputs and use them, they behave as expected.

Buttons on GPIO 2 and GPIO 12:

11:35:14 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "GPIO", Data "255" 11:35:14 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"0":"None"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"17":"Button1"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"22":"Relay2"},"GPIO5":{"21":"Relay1"},"GPIO9":{"0":"None"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"18":"Button2"},"GPIO13":{"0":"None"},"GPIO14":{"0":"None"},"GPIO15":{"0":"None"},"GPIO16":{"0":"None"}}

Hardware "UP" button pressed, Shutter moves upwards: 11:31:15 APP: Button1 multi-press 1 11:31:15 SRC: Button 11:31:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 11:31:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER1 = ON 11:31:15 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 100000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.00 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:31:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":50,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:31:15 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 181, Bytes 4096 11:31:16 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 109000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.50 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:31:16 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":55,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:31:17 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 130000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.55 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:31:17 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":65,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 11:31:18 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 150000, Start 100000, Stop 200000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 2.55 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:31:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":75,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} Hardware "UP" button pressed again, to stop motion: 11:31:18 APP: Button1 multi-press 1 11:31:19 SRC: Button 11:31:19 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 11:31:19 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 11:31:19 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER1 = OFF 11:31:20 CFG: Saved to flash at F6, Count 182, Bytes 4096

all fine! Same as well for the "down" hardware button:

11:40:15 APP: Button2 multi-press 1 11:40:15 SRC: Button 11:40:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 11:40:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = ON 11:40:15 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 100000, Start 100000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.00 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:40:15 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":50,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 11:40:16 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 87000, Start 100000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.70 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:40:16 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":44,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 11:40:16 CFG: Saved to flash at FB, Count 185, Bytes 4096 11:40:17 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 67000, Start 100000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.70 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:40:17 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":34,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 11:40:18 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 47000, Start 100000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 2.70 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:40:18 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":24,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 11:40:18 APP: Button2 multi-press 1 11:40:19 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 27000, Start 100000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 3.70 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 11:40:19 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":14,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 11:40:19 SRC: Button 11:40:19 SHT: Stop Shutter 0 .. 11:40:19 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 11:40:19 RSL: stat/tasmota_C2C9BC/POWER2 = OFF 11:40:19 CFG: Saved to flash at FA, Count 186, Bytes 4096

blackscreener commented 3 years ago

Hi all. Yeah, there is a problem with stop function in Shutter mode 1. Hardware and software up button pressed again stops and move down shutter to previous position. Also "ShutterStop1" does the same. BTW I think that interlock time is too low. EDIT: Looks like delay(MOTOR_STOP_TIME); isn't working.

19:38:25 MQT: tele/roleta_kotlownia/STATE = {"Time":"2020-09-26T19:38:25","Uptime":"0T00:12:56","UptimeSec":776,"Heap":26,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"ON","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"OpenWrt","BSSId":"2C:30:33:22:4C:E8","Channel":8,"RSSI":88,"Signal":-56,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 19:38:25 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"} 19:38:25 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/POWER1 = ON 19:38:25 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Button1":1}} 19:38:25 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":27,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:26 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":31,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:27 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":36,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:28 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":41,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:29 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":46,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:30 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":51,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:31 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":56,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:32 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":61,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:33 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":66,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 19:38:33 RUL: BUTTON3#STATE performs "ShutterStop1" 19:38:34 MQT: tele/roleta_kotlownia/STATE = {"Time":"2020-09-26T19:38:34","Uptime":"0T00:13:05","UptimeSec":785,"Heap":26,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"OpenWrt","BSSId":"2C:30:33:22:4C:E8","Channel":8,"RSSI":90,"Signal":-55,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/POWER1 = OFF 19:38:34 MQT: tele/roleta_kotlownia/STATE = {"Time":"2020-09-26T19:38:34","Uptime":"0T00:13:05","UptimeSec":785,"Heap":24,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"OpenWrt","BSSId":"2C:30:33:22:4C:E8","Channel":8,"RSSI":90,"Signal":-55,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/POWER2 = ON 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"ShutterStop1":31} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/BUTTON3T = {"TRIG":"SINGLE"} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":67,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:34 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":66,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:35 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":60,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:36 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":55,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:37 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":51,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:38 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":46,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:39 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":41,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:40 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":36,"Direction":-1,"Target":31}} 19:38:41 MQT: tele/roleta_kotlownia/STATE = {"Time":"2020-09-26T19:38:41","Uptime":"0T00:13:12","UptimeSec":792,"Heap":25,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"OpenWrt","BSSId":"2C:30:33:22:4C:E8","Channel":8,"RSSI":88,"Signal":-56,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 19:38:41 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"} 19:38:41 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/POWER2 = OFF 19:38:41 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/SHUTTER1 = 31 19:38:41 MQT: stat/roleta_kotlownia/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":31,"Direction":0,"Target":31}}

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

I have "fixed" the issue. One thing was an incomplete implementation for the shutterstop command. This was only working with timer shutters but not with the one using counters. This fixed the issue with the shutter starting again after already stopping. Anyhow, I had a reboot with shuttermotordelay 0 in this case. I'm still not found the root cause where the printf command caused the exception. Even with stack traces quite hidden. As a working temporary workaround the shuttermotordelay is always 0.2 seconds and higher. In this case it works fine.

blackscreener commented 3 years ago

I have "fixed" the issue. One thing was an incomplete implementation for the shutterstop command. This was only working with timer shutters but not with the one using counters. This fixed the issue with the shutter starting again after already stopping. Anyhow, I had a reboot with shuttermotordelay 0 in this case. I'm still not found the root cause where the printf command caused the exception. Even with stack traces quite hidden. As a working temporary workaround the shuttermotordelay is always 0.2 seconds and higher. In this case it works fine.

Thx, now works fine. What about interlock time? It's too low or 500 ms delay isn't working...

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

the interlock time is not shutter dependend. the interlock is a tasmota standard procedure. if you send normal command shutterxxx the shutter can take care that there is enough changeover time. this is not possible if you manually hit the relay. in this case tasmota controls the changeover. it is afaik 10ms.