arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Shutter issues since 8.5.1 #9632

Closed OppiM closed 3 years ago

OppiM commented 3 years ago


A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Since 8.5.1 my shutters don't act normal anymore. Operating the shutter from the webinterface and via MQTT does not give the expected positions. Operating by button works but position values on the webinterface get values bigger than 100. Tested with 8.5.1 and Same shutter works flawless with 8.5.0.


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

- [x] If using rules, provide the output of this command: `Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3`:

Rules output here: 09:54:16 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Rule1":"on","Once":"off","StopOnError":"off","Length":37,"Free":474,"Rules":"on button3#state do SHUTTERSTOP endon"} 09:54:16 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Rule2":"off","Once":"off","StopOnError":"off","Length":0,"Free":511,"Rules":""} 09:54:16 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Rule3":"off","Once":"off","StopOnError":"off","Length":0,"Free":511,"Rules":""}

- [x] Provide the output of this command: `Status 0`:

STATUS 0 output here: 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"DeviceName":"Kinderzimmer Front","FriendlyName":["Kinderzimmer Front","Shutter_03_Down"],"Topic":"Shutter_03","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":0,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":0,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"tasmotas","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:09:20","StartupUTC":"2020-10-27T08:45:25","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":60,"BCResetTime":"2020-03-22T09:13:43","SaveCount":1997,"SaveAddress":"F7000"}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2020-10-26T16:03:27","Boot":31,"Core":"2_7_4_5","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","CpuFrequency":80,"Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"440/699"}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["Oppenheimer-IoT",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["0000C009","2805C8000100060000005AFF000000000000","C0000000","00006000","00000000"]}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":599,"Free":404,"Heap":24,"ProgramFlashSize":1024,"FlashSize":1024,"FlashChipId":"1440C8","FlashFrequency":40,"FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000809","8FDAE797","04368001","000000CF","010013C0","C000F981","00004004","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,27,29,30,35,37","Sensors":"1,2,3,4,5,6"}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"Shutter_03","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"3C:71:BF:31:20:DD","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":2,"WifiPower":17.0}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"Shutter_03","MqttClient":"Shutter_03","MqttUser":"DVES_USER","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2020-10-27T08:54:45","Local":"2020-10-27T09:54:45","StartDST":"2020-03-29T02:00:00","EndDST":"2020-10-25T03:00:00","Timezone":99,"Sunrise":"07:30","Sunset":"17:37"}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2020-10-27T09:54:45","Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0}}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2020-10-27T09:54:45","Uptime":"0T00:09:20","UptimeSec":560,"Heap":24,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":20,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"off","POWER2":"off","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"Oppenheimer-IoT","BSSId":"2A:E8:29:E1:DC:D9","Channel":6,"RSSI":76,"Signal":-62,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:04"}}} 09:54:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/STATUS13 = {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":230,"Close":230,"50perc":50,"Delay":0,"Opt":"0000","Calib":[6928,3220,4605,900,1000],"Mode":"0"}}}

- [x] Provide the output of the Console log output when you experience your issue; if applicable:
  _(Please use_ `weblog 4` _for more debug information)_
Steps taken:

- Restarted shutter
- shutteropenduration
- shuttercloseduration
- shutteropen
- shutterclose
- Pressed open button
- Pressed close button

Console output here: 00:00:00 CFG: Loaded from flash at F6, Count 1998 00:00:00 QPC: Count 1 00:00:00 SER: Set to 8N1 115200 bit/s 00:00:00 SHT: mode undef.. calculate... 00:00:00 SHT1: Init. Pos: 0,inverted 0, locked 0, end stop time enabled 0, webButtons inverted 0 00:00:00 SRC: Restart 00:00:00 SHT: Switched relay: 0 by Restart 00:00:00 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Restart, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 0, manual change 0 00:00:00 Project tasmota Kinderzimmer Front Version 00:00:00 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:00 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 Oppenheimer-IoT Channel 6 BSSId 2A:E8:29:E1:DC:D9 in mode 11N as Shutter_03... 00:00:01 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:01 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:02 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:02 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:03 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:03 WIF: Connected 09:56:20 NTP: UTC 2020-10-27T08:56:19, DST 2020-03-29T02:00:00, STD 2020-10-25T03:00:00 09:56:20 HTP: Web server active on Shutter_03 with IP address 09:56:21 MQT: Attempting connection... 09:56:21 MQT: Connected 09:56:21 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/LWT = Online (retained) 09:56:21 MQT: cmnd/Shutter_03/POWER = 09:56:21 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/Shutter_03/# 09:56:21 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/tasmotas/# 09:56:21 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/Shutter_03_fb/# 09:56:21 MQT: Unsubscribe from homeassistant/status 09:56:21 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/INFO1 = {"Module":"Teepao Shutter","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/Shutter_03_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"} 09:56:21 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"Shutter_03","IPAddress":""} 09:56:21 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"} 09:56:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER1":"off"} 09:56:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER1 = off 09:56:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER2":"off"} 09:56:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER2 = off 09:56:22 QPC: Reset 09:56:22 MQT: tasmota/discovery/3C71BF3120DD/config = {"ip":"","dn":"Kinderzimmer Front","fn":["Kinderzimmer Front","Shutter_03_Down",null,null,null,null,null,null],"hn":"Shutter_03","mac":"3C71BF3120DD","md":"Teepao Shutter","ty":0,"ofln":"Offline","onln":"Online","state":["off","on","toggle","HOLD"],"sw":"","t":"Shutter_03","ft":"%prefix%/%topic%/","tp":["cmnd","stat","tele"],"rl":[3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0],"swc":[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],"btn":[0,0,0,0],"so":{"11":0,"13":0,"17":0,"20":0,"30":0,"68":0,"73":0,"80":1,"82":0},"lk":1,"lt_st":0,"ver":1} (retained) 09:56:22 MQT: tasmota/discovery/3C71BF3120DD/sensors = {"sn":{"Time":"2020-10-27T09:56:22","Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0}},"ver":1} (retained) 09:56:22 HTP: Main Menu 09:56:24 APP: Boot Count 61 09:56:24 CFG: Saved to flash at F5, Count 1999, Bytes 4096 09:56:25 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/STATE = {"Time":"2020-10-27T09:56:25","Uptime":"0T00:00:11","UptimeSec":11,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":22,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"off","POWER2":"off","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"Oppenheimer-IoT","BSSId":"2A:E8:29:E1:DC:D9","Channel":6,"RSSI":74,"Signal":-63,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:05"}} 09:56:25 MQT: tele/Shutter_03/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-10-27T09:56:25","Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0}} 09:56:26 HTP: Console 09:56:39 WIF: Checking connection... 09:56:41 CMD: shutteropenduration 09:56:41 SRC: WebConsole from 09:56:41 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTEROPENDURATION", Data "" 09:56:41 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"ShutterOpenDuration1":"23.0"} 09:56:48 CMD: shuttercloseduration 09:56:48 SRC: WebConsole from 09:56:48 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERCLOSEDURATION", Data "" 09:56:48 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"ShutterCloseDuration1":"23.0"} 09:56:55 CMD: shutteropen 09:56:55 SRC: WebConsole from 09:56:55 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTEROPEN", Data "" 09:56:55 SHT: Pos. in: payload (0), payload 100, idx 1, src 7 09:56:55 SHT: lastsource 7:, real 0, target 19919, payload 100 09:56:55 SHT: Delay Start. var0 <99>=<>, max10s? 09:56:55 SHT: Delay Start. Done 09:56:55 SRC: Shutter 09:56:55 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 09:56:55 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 1, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 09:56:55 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER1":"on"} 09:56:55 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER1 = on 09:56:55 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"ShutterOpen1":100} 09:56:55 SHT: time: 5, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 4000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 6, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 5000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 7, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 6000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 6000, Start 0, Stop 19919, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:56:55 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":30,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:56:55 SHT: time: 9, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 8000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 10, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 9000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 11, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 10000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 12, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 11000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 CFG: Saved to flash at F4, Count 2000, Bytes 4096 09:56:55 SHT: time: 13, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 12000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 14, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 13000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 15, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 14000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 16, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 15000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 17, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 16000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 18, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 17000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:55 SHT: time: 19, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 18000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:56 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 19000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:56 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 20000, next_stop 0, target: 19919, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:56:56 SHT: Stop Shutter 0. Switchmode 0 09:56:56 SRC: Shutter 09:56:56 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 09:56:56 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 09:56:56 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER1":"off"} 09:56:56 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER1 = off 09:56:56 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 20000, Start 20000, Stop 19919, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 1.05 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:56:56 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/SHUTTER1 = 100 09:56:56 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":100,"Direction":0,"Target":100}} 09:56:57 CFG: Saved to flash at FB, Count 2001, Bytes 4096 09:57:00 WIF: Checking connection... 09:57:20 WIF: Checking connection... 09:57:20 CMD: shutterclose 09:57:20 SRC: WebConsole from 09:57:20 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "SHUTTERCLOSE", Data "" 09:57:20 SHT: Pos. in: payload (0), payload 0, idx 1, src 7 09:57:20 SHT: lastsource 7:, real 20000, target 0, payload 0 09:57:20 SHT: Delay Start. var0 <99>=<>, max10s? 09:57:20 SHT: Delay Start. Done 09:57:20 SRC: Shutter 09:57:20 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 09:57:20 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 2, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 09:57:20 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER2":"on"} 09:57:20 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER2 = on 09:57:20 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"ShutterClose1":0} 09:57:20 SHT: time: 5, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 16000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:20 SHT: time: 6, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 15000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:20 SHT: time: 7, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 14000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 8, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 13000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 9, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 12000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 10, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 11000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 11, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 10000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 CFG: Saved to flash at FA, Count 2002, Bytes 4096 09:57:21 SHT: time: 12, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 9000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 13, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 8000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 14, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 7000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 15, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 6000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 6000, Start 20000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 0.75 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":30,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:57:21 SHT: time: 16, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 5000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 17, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 4000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 18, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 3000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 19, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 2000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 1000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 0, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:57:21 SHT: Stop Shutter 0. Switchmode 0 09:57:22 SRC: Shutter 09:57:22 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 09:57:22 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 09:57:22 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER2":"off"} 09:57:22 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER2 = off 09:57:22 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 0, Start 0, Stop 0, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 1.05 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:22 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/SHUTTER1 = 0 09:57:22 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0}} 09:57:22 CFG: Saved to flash at F9, Count 2003, Bytes 4096 09:57:40 WIF: Checking connection... 09:57:41 APP: Button1 multi-press 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 19, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 18000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 19000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 20000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 22, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 21000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 23, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 22000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 24, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 23000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 25, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 24000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 26, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 25000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 25000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:43 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":126,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:43 SHT: time: 27, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 26000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 28, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 27000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 29, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 28000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 30, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 29000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 31, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 30000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 32, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 31000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 33, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 32000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 34, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 33000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 35, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 34000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 36, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 35000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 37, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 36000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:43 SHT: time: 38, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 37000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 66, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 65000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 65000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 3.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:45 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":15,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:45 SHT: time: 67, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 66000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 67000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 69, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 68000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 70, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 69000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 71, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 70000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 71000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 73, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 72000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 74, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 73000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 75, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 74000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 76, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 75000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 77, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 76000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:45 SHT: time: 78, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 77000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 79, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 78000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 80, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 79000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 81, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 80000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 82, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 81000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 83, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 82000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 84, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 83000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:46 SHT: time: 85, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 84000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:47 SHT: time: 113, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 112000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:47 SHT: time: 114, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 113000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:47 SHT: time: 115, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 114000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:47 SHT: time: 117, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 116000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:47 SHT: time: 118, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 117000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 119, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 118000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 120, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 119000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 121, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 120000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 122, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 121000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 123, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 122000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 124, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 123000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 125, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 124000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 126, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 125000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 125000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 6.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:48 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":5,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:48 SHT: time: 127, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 126000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 128, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 127000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 129, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 128000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 130, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 129000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 131, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 130000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 132, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 131000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:48 SHT: time: 133, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 132000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 160, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 159000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 161, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 160000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 162, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 161000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 163, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 162000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 164, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 163000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 165, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 164000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 166, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 165000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 165000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 8.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:50 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":73,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:50 SHT: time: 167, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 166000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 168, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 167000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 169, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 168000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 170, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 169000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 171, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 170000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 172, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 171000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 173, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 172000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 174, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 173000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 175, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 174000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 176, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 175000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 177, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 176000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:50 SHT: time: 178, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 177000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:51 SHT: time: 179, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 178000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 207, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 206000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 208, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 207000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 209, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 208000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 210, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 209000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 211, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 210000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 212, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 211000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 213, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 212000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 214, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 213000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 215, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 214000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 216, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 215000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 217, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 216000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:52 SHT: time: 218, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 217000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 219, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 218000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 220, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 219000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 221, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 220000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 222, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 221000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 224, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 223000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 225, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 224000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 226, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 225000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: time: 227, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 226000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:53 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 226000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 11.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:53 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":37,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:54 SHT: time: 254, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 253000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:54 SHT: time: 255, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 254000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:54 SHT: time: 256, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 255000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:54 SHT: time: 257, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 256000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:54 SHT: time: 258, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 257000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 259, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 258000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 260, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 259000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 261, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 260000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 263, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 262000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 264, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 263000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 265, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 264000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 266, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 265000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 267, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 266000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 266000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 13.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:55 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":120,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:55 SHT: time: 268, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 267000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 269, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 268000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 270, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 269000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 271, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 270000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 272, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 271000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 273, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 272000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:55 SHT: time: 274, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 273000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 300, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 299000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 301, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 300000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 302, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 301000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 304, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 303000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 305, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 304000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 306, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 305000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 307, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 306000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 306000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 15.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:57:57 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":180,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:57:57 SHT: time: 308, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 307000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 309, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 308000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 310, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 309000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 311, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 310000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 312, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 311000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 313, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 312000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 314, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 313000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 315, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 314000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 316, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 315000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 317, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 316000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:57 SHT: time: 318, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 317000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:58 SHT: time: 319, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 318000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:58 SHT: time: 320, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 319000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 348, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 347000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 349, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 348000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 350, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 349000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 351, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 350000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 352, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 351000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 353, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 352000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 354, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 353000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 355, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 354000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 356, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 355000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 357, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 356000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:57:59 SHT: time: 358, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 357000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 359, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 358000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 360, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 359000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 361, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 360000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 362, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 361000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 363, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 362000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 364, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 363000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 365, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 364000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: time: 366, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 365000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:00 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 365000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 18.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:00 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":33,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:58:00 SHT: time: 367, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 366000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:01 SHT: time: 394, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 393000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:01 SHT: time: 395, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 394000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:01 SHT: time: 396, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 395000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:01 SHT: time: 397, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 396000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:01 SHT: time: 398, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 397000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 399, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 398000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 400, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 399000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 401, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 400000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 402, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 401000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 403, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 402000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 404, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 403000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 405, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 404000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 406, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 405000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 405000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 20.30 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:02 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":82,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:58:02 SHT: time: 407, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 406000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 408, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 407000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 410, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 409000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 411, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 410000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 412, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 411000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 413, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 412000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:02 SHT: time: 414, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 413000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 445, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 444000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 446, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 445000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 447, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 446000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 446000, Start 0, Stop 460000, Dir 1, Delay 0, Rtc 22.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:04 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":97,"Direction":1,"Target":100}} 09:58:04 SHT: time: 448, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 447000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 449, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 448000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 450, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 449000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 451, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 450000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 452, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 451000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 453, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 452000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 454, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 453000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 455, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 454000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 456, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 455000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 457, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 456000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:04 SHT: time: 458, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 457000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:05 SHT: time: 459, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 458000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:05 SHT: time: 460, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 459000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:05 SHT: time: 461, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 460000, next_stop 0, target: 460000, max_vel_change 0, dir: 1 09:58:05 SHT: Stop Shutter 0. Switchmode 0 09:58:05 SRC: Shutter 09:58:05 SHT: Switched relay: 1 by Shutter 09:58:05 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 1, manual change 0 09:58:05 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER1":"off"} 09:58:05 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER1 = off 09:58:05 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 460000, Start 460000, Stop 460000, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 23.05 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:05 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/SHUTTER1 = 100 09:58:05 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":100,"Direction":0,"Target":100}} 09:58:05 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 2005, Bytes 4096 09:58:20 SHT: time: 10, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 451000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 11, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 450000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 12, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 449000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 13, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 448000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 14, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 447000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 15, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 446000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 16, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 445000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 17, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 444000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 SHT: time: 18, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 443000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:20 CFG: Saved to flash at F6, Count 2006, Bytes 4096 09:58:21 SHT: time: 20, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 441000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 21, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 440000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 22, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 439000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 23, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 438000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 WIF: Checking connection... 09:58:21 SHT: time: 24, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 437000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 25, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 436000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 26, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 435000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 27, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 434000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 434000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 1.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:21 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":94,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:21 SHT: time: 28, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 433000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 29, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 432000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:21 SHT: time: 30, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 431000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:22 SHT: time: 58, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 403000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:22 SHT: time: 59, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 402000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 60, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 401000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 61, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 400000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 62, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 399000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 63, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 398000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 64, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 397000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 65, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 396000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 66, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 395000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 67, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 394000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 394000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 3.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:23 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":126,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:23 SHT: time: 68, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 393000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 69, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 392000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 70, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 391000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 71, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 390000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 72, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 389000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 73, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 388000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 75, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 386000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 76, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 385000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 77, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 384000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:23 SHT: time: 78, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 383000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 104, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 357000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 106, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 355000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 107, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 354000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 108, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 353000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 353000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 5.40 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:25 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":81,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:25 SHT: time: 109, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 352000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 110, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 351000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 111, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 350000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 112, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 349000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 113, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 348000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 114, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 347000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 115, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 346000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 116, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 345000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 117, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 344000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 118, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 343000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:25 SHT: time: 119, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 342000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:26 SHT: time: 120, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 341000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:26 SHT: time: 121, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 340000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:26 SHT: time: 122, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 339000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:26 SHT: time: 123, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 338000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:26 SHT: time: 124, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 337000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 152, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 309000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 153, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 308000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 154, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 307000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 155, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 306000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 156, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 305000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 157, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 304000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 158, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 303000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:27 SHT: time: 159, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 302000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 160, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 301000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 161, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 300000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 162, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 299000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 163, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 298000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 164, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 297000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 165, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 296000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 166, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 295000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 168, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 293000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 293000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 8.40 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:28 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":161,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:28 SHT: time: 169, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 292000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 170, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 291000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 171, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 290000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:28 SHT: time: 172, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 289000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:29 SHT: time: 198, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 263000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 200, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 261000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 201, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 260000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 202, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 259000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 203, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 258000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 204, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 257000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 205, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 256000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 206, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 255000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 207, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 254000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 254000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 10.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:30 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":102,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:30 SHT: time: 208, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 253000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 209, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 252000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 210, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 251000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 211, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 250000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 212, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 249000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 213, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 248000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 214, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 247000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 215, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 246000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 216, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 245000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 217, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 244000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:30 SHT: time: 218, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 243000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 246, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 215000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 247, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 214000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 214000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 12.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:32 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":86,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:32 SHT: time: 248, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 213000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 249, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 212000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 250, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 211000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 251, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 210000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 252, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 209000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 253, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 208000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 254, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 207000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 255, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 206000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 256, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 205000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 257, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 204000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:32 SHT: time: 259, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 202000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 260, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 201000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 261, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 200000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 262, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 199000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 263, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 198000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 264, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 197000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 265, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 196000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:33 SHT: time: 266, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 195000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 293, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 168000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 294, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 167000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 295, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 166000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 296, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 165000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 297, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 164000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 298, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 163000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:34 SHT: time: 299, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 162000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 300, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 161000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 301, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 160000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 302, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 159000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 303, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 158000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 304, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 157000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 305, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 156000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 306, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 155000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 307, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 154000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 154000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 15.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:35 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":118,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:35 SHT: time: 308, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 153000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 309, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 152000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 310, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 151000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 311, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 150000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:35 SHT: time: 312, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 149000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 340, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 121000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 341, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 120000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 342, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 119000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 343, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 118000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 344, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 117000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 345, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 116000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 346, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 115000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 347, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 114000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 114000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 17.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:37 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:37 SHT: time: 348, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 113000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 349, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 112000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 350, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 111000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 351, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 110000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 352, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 109000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 353, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 108000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 354, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 107000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 355, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 106000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 356, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 105000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 357, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 104000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 358, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 103000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:37 SHT: time: 359, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 102000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 387, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 74000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 74000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 19.35 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:39 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":60,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:39 SHT: time: 388, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 73000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 389, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 72000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 390, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 71000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 391, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 70000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 392, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 69000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 393, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 68000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 394, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 67000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 395, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 66000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 396, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 65000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 397, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 64000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 398, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 63000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:39 SHT: time: 399, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 62000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 400, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 61000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 401, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 60000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 402, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 59000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 403, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 58000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 404, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 57000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 405, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 56000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:40 SHT: time: 406, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 55000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 434, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 27000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 435, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 26000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 436, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 25000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 437, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 24000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 438, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 23000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:41 SHT: time: 439, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 22000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 441, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 20000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 442, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 19000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 443, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 18000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 444, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 17000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 445, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 16000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 446, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 15000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 447, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 14000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 448, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 13000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 13000, Start 460000, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 0, Rtc 22.40 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:42 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":65,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}} 09:58:42 SHT: time: 449, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 12000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 450, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 11000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 451, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 10000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 452, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 9000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 453, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 8000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 454, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 7000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 456, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 5000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 457, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 4000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 458, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 3000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:42 SHT: time: 459, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 2000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:43 SHT: time: 460, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 1000, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:43 SHT: time: 461, toBeAcc 0, current_stop_way 0,vel_cur 0, vel_max 0, act_vel_change 1000, min_runtime_ms 0, act.pos 0, next_stop 0, target: 0, max_vel_change 0, dir: -1 09:58:43 SHT: Stop Shutter 0. Switchmode 0 09:58:43 SRC: Shutter 09:58:43 SHT: Switched relay: 2 by Shutter 09:58:43 SHT: Shutter 1: source: Shutter, powerstate_local 0, ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask 2, manual change 0 09:58:43 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"POWER2":"off"} 09:58:43 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/POWER2 = off 09:58:43 SHT: Shutter 1 Real 0, Start 0, Stop 0, Dir 0, Delay 0, Rtc 23.05 [s], Freq 0, PWM 0 09:58:43 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/SHUTTER1 = 0 09:58:43 MQT: stat/Shutter_03/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0}} 09:58:44 CFG: Saved to flash at F5, Count 2007, Bytes 4096

_Steps to reproduce the behavior:_
Install 8.5.1 or on shutter

_A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen._
Operating via Webinterface and MQTT should work as in 8.5.0

_If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem._

_Add any other context about the problem here._

**(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)**
kugelkopf123 commented 3 years ago

Perhaps something to do with this issue. That is by the way not fully answered:

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

I can see that the target position is fine (0, 20000) when using the shutteropen and shutterclose as it should be. But I see that on Button1 mulipress-1 the new target is 430.000. This is the root cause of the issue. Also the log skipped a lot of messages at the beginning. Do you operate with the button directly the relay or do you use the shutterbutton command to introduce the action. Anyhow I agree it should work either both ways.

stefanbode commented 3 years ago

There was an error with the shuttersethalfway. As long as it was changed once to be !=50 it has to be !=50 all the time because it changes the calibration mask. If you change it to 50 later on our're in trouble with the values. With the new release please do a shuttersethalfway 50 to reset your calibration matrix. As an intermediate solution with the current release please use: shuttercallibration 30 50 70 90 100 to get back to default.