aresdevo / animaide

AnimAide is a free add-on for Blender that has some helpful tools for animation.
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Curve tools (filters, scale, smooth ect..) not working on shape keys (for facial animation, mocap) #92

Open loicbramoulle opened 1 year ago

loicbramoulle commented 1 year ago

I would love to be able to use the scale left/right, scale average ect.. on shape key animation, when doing facial mocap, as it's amazing for body, and would be super usefull for facial too. Currently I think nothing happens when trying the curve tools on shape key anim, only bones or trasnforms.

abrasic commented 1 year ago


There is a bug with using Curve Tools on shape key F-Curves where they won't work unless you have animation data on the mesh itself. To fix this, go into Object Mode, select the mesh with your desired shape keys and insert at least one keyframe on one of the loc/rot/scl channels. It's also best if you lock those channels afterwards to prevent accidentally transforming the mesh while working.


Hopefully this helps

loicbramoulle commented 1 year ago

Aaah that should be a good workaround, thanks a lot ! will try shortly.