areski / django-nvd3

Django wrapper for nvd3 - It's time for beautiful charts
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Is Django v 1.3.x supported? #14

Closed fjcapdevila closed 10 years ago

fjcapdevila commented 10 years ago


I'm having troubles to using django-nvd3. During tests an exception is raised:

Exception Value: simple_tag() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'

I suspect that the problem is that django 1.3.x is not supported. I was looking for that information on documentation but I didn't find useful info.

This is my environment: Django==1.3.7 django-nvd3==0.5.0 python-nvd3==0.11.0

Thank you in advance.

areski commented 10 years ago

I pushed a fix for this :

Try with the latest version 0.6