areski / django-nvd3

Django wrapper for nvd3 - It's time for beautiful charts
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Future of django-nvd3 #44

Closed nordbit closed 9 years ago

nordbit commented 9 years ago

Any declarations? Original nvd3 was abandoned. One from community member working on fork here:

Your project is a great but few bugs still exist, probably in nvd3 himself, but for now django-nvd3 is unusable for serious work becouse of few minor bug (like wrong displayed labels)

areski commented 9 years ago

django-nvd3 is a very basic wrapper on top of python-nvd3: I trust that as we are pined to a well tested version of nvd3, we are far from saying "that django/python-nvd3 is unusable"

We will keep a close eyes to liquidpele works and certainly comply with it if his fork become a success.

nordbit commented 9 years ago

Saying "unusable" I do not really mean unusable, it is a great piece of code. I'm only worring about future. For today all is great, but after 2-3 years non-maintained module (nvd3) can become troublemaker in any project. I can't find any sane python-wrapper for bare D3.js Btw i have question: For now template tag for displaying chart is called with definied width and height in pixels. By any chance can I call with responsive width (100% of container)? I can do dirty trick with javascript(jQuery) for scaling and fitting contetent. Its only way?

areski commented 9 years ago

That's the beauty of github, you can easily fork if the project is not maintained properly or even better you can send PR if you want to contribute to the project.

You can call the container with 100% to make it nicely responsive:

{% include_container final_chartcontainer 400 '100%' %}

To be noted, it's a bad practice to ask a non related question on a github issue.

nordbit commented 9 years ago

So let's close this "issue". Thanks o lot for a sane response, giving me a lesson and great code.

areski commented 9 years ago

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