areski / django-nvd3

Django wrapper for nvd3 - It's time for beautiful charts
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data:87 Uncaught TypeError: chart.tooltipContent is not a function #83

Open guganselvaraj opened 7 years ago

guganselvaraj commented 7 years ago

I'm a very beginner to django and stuck some where ! help me out !

The above issue is addressed here, which i tried its perfectly fine on the local machine but when i deploy it on my production server the new installation of bower and its components happen where the new content.html and piechart.html has the same old chart.tooltipContent which should be replaced with the new one ! how would i do it on production deployment ???

FYI : My server is AWS : Elasticbeanstalk

How to perform the changes mentioned in this link : in a production server ! please throw some light on it ! :D Because on every deployment it needs to be fixed which is vague !

zeroq commented 7 years ago

Change chart.tooltipContent to chart.tooltip.contentGenerator in the following files: 1.) pythonx.x/site-packages/nvd3/templates/content.html at line '54' and '63' 2.) pythonx.x/site-packages/nvd3/templates/piechart.html at line '18'

pedrofaria09 commented 5 years ago

@zeroq any other option rather than change the code in packages from python? Because if I commit my project to other env. that code is gone. Any other solution? I'm in a struggle to solve this problem.

zeroq commented 5 years ago

Pull request to original Project is still open since several years:, that would be the best way to fix the problem.