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Compare ESM named exports to types #166

Closed laverdet closed 1 week ago

laverdet commented 5 months ago

This implements the idea in #35. The patch is incomplete in some ways:

The result of getEsmModuleNamespace should be the same as the result of Object.keys(await import(moduleName)). This information is then compared against the advertised types and an error is raised if the types are incorrect under node16-esm resolution mode (there are many, many problems in the npm ecosystem).

The static analysis had to be done outside of TypeScript since its behavior does not match the reality of what nodejs sees. TypeScript would have you believe that the following program is well-formed but it cannot be evaluated under nodejs:

// commonjs.cjs
module.exports = {
    name: 1,

// module.mjs
import { name } from "./common.cjs";

Example including diagnostic output from request and lodash, which do not actually export any of the names that their types would have you believe:

-> % node dist/index.js --from-npm request                             
🚨 /node_modules/request/index.js [
  'defaults',   'defaults', 'get',
  'get',        'get',      'post',
  'post',       'post',     'put',
  'put',        'put',      'head',
  'head',       'head',     'patch',
  'patch',      'patch',    'del',
  'del',        'del',      'delete',
  'delete',     'delete',   'initParams',
  'initParams', 'forever',  'jar',
  'cookie',     'debug'

β”‚                   β”‚ "request"            β”‚
β”‚ node10            β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from CJS) β”‚ 🟒 (CJS)             β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from ESM) β”‚ πŸ•΅οΈ Named ESM exports β”‚
β”‚ bundler           β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
-> % node dist/index.js --from-npm lodash 
🚨 /node_modules/lodash/lodash.js [
  'VERSION',           'templateSettings',  'chunk',
  'compact',           'concat',            'difference',
  'differenceBy',      'differenceBy',      'differenceBy',
  'differenceBy',      'differenceBy',      'differenceBy',
  'differenceBy',      'differenceWith',    'differenceWith',
  'differenceWith',    'differenceWith',    'drop',
  'dropRight',         'dropRightWhile',    'dropWhile',
  'fill',              'fill',              'fill',
  'fill',              'findIndex',         'findLastIndex',
  'first',             'flatten',           'flattenDeep',
  'flattenDepth',      'fromPairs',         'fromPairs',
  'head',              'indexOf',           'initial',
  'intersection',      'intersectionBy',    'intersectionBy',
  'intersectionBy',    'intersectionBy',    'intersectionBy',
  'intersectionWith',  'intersectionWith',  'intersectionWith',
  'intersectionWith',  'join',              'last',
  'lastIndexOf',       'nth',               'pull',
  'pull',              'pullAll',           'pullAll',
  'pullAllBy',         'pullAllBy',         'pullAllBy',
  'pullAllBy',         'pullAllWith',       'pullAllWith',
  'pullAllWith',       'pullAllWith',       'pullAt',
  'pullAt',            'remove',            'reverse',
  'slice',             'sortedIndex',       'sortedIndex',
  'sortedIndexBy',     'sortedIndexOf',     'sortedLastIndex',
  'sortedLastIndexBy', 'sortedLastIndexOf', 'sortedUniq',
  'sortedUniqBy',      'tail',              'take',
  'takeRight',         'takeRightWhile',    'takeWhile',
  'union',             'unionBy',           'unionBy',
  'unionBy',           'unionBy',           'unionBy',
  'unionWith',         'unionWith',         'unionWith',
  'uniq',              'uniqBy',            'uniqWith',
  'unzip',             'unzipWith',         'unzipWith',
  'without',           'xor',               'xorBy',
  ... 491 more items

lodash v4.17.21
@types/lodash v4.17.0

πŸ•΅οΈ docs docs

β”‚                   β”‚ "lodash"             β”‚
β”‚ node10            β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from CJS) β”‚ 🟒 (CJS)             β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from ESM) β”‚ πŸ•΅οΈ Named ESM exports β”‚
β”‚ bundler           β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
changeset-bot[bot] commented 5 months ago

⚠️ No Changeset found

Latest commit: 9a62a49718509ea61f78af76f0ebeeb1298e69b9

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andrewbranch commented 2 months ago

Hey @laverdet, sorry for the extremely late acknowledgment here. Thanks for putting this together! Both work and life have been very busy in the last few months. Thanks for your patience. If you’re interested in continuing on this, I have some feedback. Otherwise, feel free to ignore, and I may pick up where you left off at some future date.

Overall, I’d like to present this check to the user as more of an all-or-nothing thing, like β€œTS thinks there are named exports but Node.js sees none, probably due to cjs-module-lexer being unable to statically analyze them” instead of β€œThese N specific named exports seem to be missing at runtime.” That said, I’m not against storing the diff of named exports in the problem objects (or at least being set up to store them) so we can do more with it later.

Some type-only exports are not correctly filtered by my check. For example chalk reports ModifierName (and others) are missing, but these are type aliases. I can't figure out the correct predicate to only raise runtime types.

I can help with this when the rest appears to be in good shape.

Some packages reexport * namespaces from other packages, for example @reduxjs/toolkit (see here). If we want to check these then the module's dependencies will need to be downloaded too. This would be a major change, or we can just bail the check in this case.

There’s a lot already that’s incomplete because we don’t download dependencies. It’s fine. This also is less relevant if the CLI/UI isn’t trying to report specifically which named exports are missing at runtime.

Filtering JSON entries would probably be fine.

Agreed πŸ‘

The acorn part could be rewritten to use the TypeScript AST instead. This thought eluded me until I had already finished the implementation.

Yeah, it would be nice not to depend on two different parsers, especially when the TS one is already running on everything.

laverdet commented 2 months ago

With the updated code I believe the only known outstanding issues are:

Overall, I’d like to present this check to the user as more of an all-or-nothing thing

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your statement but it's not always that simple, especially for handwritten CJS. semver is a very good case study. They have a cjs-module-lexer bailout in their "index" file. This causes all named exports after that line to be missing. The nuanced diagnostic information here is helpful.

$ git diff
diff --git a/packages/core/src/internal/checks/namedExports.ts b/packages/core/src/internal/checks/namedExports.ts
index 5b0dbc1..35b6cdf 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/internal/checks/namedExports.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/internal/checks/namedExports.ts
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ export default defineCheck({
     if (exports) {
       const missing = expectedNames.filter((name) => !exports.includes(String(name))).map(String);
+      console.log(missing);
       if (missing.length > 0) {
         return {
           kind: "NamedExports",

$ node ./packages/cli/dist/index.js -p semver

semver v7.6.2
@types/semver v7.5.8

πŸ•΅οΈ Module advertises named ESM exports which will not exist at runtime.

β”‚                   β”‚ "semver"             β”‚
β”‚ node10            β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from CJS) β”‚ 🟒 (CJS)             β”‚
β”‚ node16 (from ESM) β”‚ πŸ•΅οΈ Named ESM exports β”‚
β”‚ bundler           β”‚ 🟒                   β”‚
laverdet commented 2 months ago

But since we’re only reporting types exports that don’t exist at runtime, I take your point that it can be useful to list them, to a point.

Correct, a runtime symbol which isn't typed is not a problem. This is fairly common as well, react's __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED comes to mind. Or any project which uses stripInternal: true. I would not recommend raising an issue for this condition.

it is sometimes the case that all named exports are missing, in which case it doesn’t seem useful to list anything

This is probably by far the more common case and worth calling out specifically. Perhaps problemKindInfo could be a Record of functions which accept a Problem parameter and in turn let you enhance the reported diagnostics with information from the problem?

andrewbranch commented 2 months ago

I have some ideas for future UI that would let you drill into individual problem occurrences and see details, generated from problem object fields other than kind. The summary text is intended to be unspecific so that each problem summary appears at most one time. For the sake of ensuring your work gets merged, I think the best strategy is not to try to implement something like that now, but to expose the list of missing named exports in the --json output (which is also viewable in the web UI) as you’ve already done.

andrewbranch commented 1 week ago

I think this is pretty much ready to go, but I screwed up the conflict resolution in the GitHub UI and can’t seem to push a merge commit from the CLI. I’m going to merge this into a staging branch, fix up the lockfile, and figure out the test failures. I’ll open a new PR into main and tag you in it when it’s ready to go. Thanks so much for all your work! ❀️