arevindh / pihole-speedtest

Pihole Speedtest Mod
MIT License
218 stars 22 forks source link

Pi-hole FTL v5.15, Web v5.12 and Core v5.10 released #111

Closed town3r closed 2 years ago

town3r commented 2 years ago

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

It's worth noting the new pi-hole Web Interface includes fixes for pi-hole spamming syslog...definitely look forward to the speedtest admin repo being updated.

arevindh commented 2 years ago

@town3r @ChrisWNY update
So many changes :

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

It's definitely a substantial update...this one had been a problem since mid Feb 2022...

piholeStatus constantly throws syslog messages into www-data, of course most users probably wouldn't notice, unless they're running remote syslog (I certainly do), or they notice SD card failure in their Raspberry Pi's earlier than usual.

town3r commented 2 years ago

Yikes I didn't know Pi-hole was doing that. I've been running into some strange issues that might point to an issue with my SD card. :(

Any good tools to verify if the card is the cause?

bentkowski commented 2 years ago

seems like pihole -up does not update web interface :) i have speedtest mod, any ideas how to update it to new version and have speedtestmod installed?

arevindh commented 2 years ago

Please wait till tomorrow.

seems like pihole -up does not update web interface :) i have speedtest mod, any ideas how to update it to new version and have speedtestmod installed?

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

Yikes I didn't know Pi-hole was doing that. I've been running into some strange issues that might point to an issue with my SD card. :(

Any good tools to verify if the card is the cause?

Yes...Pi-hole hammers Syslog. If you use remote syslog, you can see pi-hole sending 3 messages every second while you have the web interface open. It's because of a piholeStatus() function that repeatedly leverages root permissions. It looks like this in Syslog:


This is now fixed in the latest Web interface. It had been a problem since mid Feb.

It's best to plan on replacing your SD card every 12-16 months, if you leave it in there beyond that you risk problems. The first sign of problems will be write speeds will slow way down. It's a good idea to use Teleport occasionally within the pi-hole settings to back up your config, in case your SD card goes bad to the point where your Pi no longer boots. Also, you can SCP into your Pi at any time to back up your speedtest and pihole databases...if preserving that data is important to you. There are also methods to clone your entire SD card and image it onto a new one so that you can save some time reinstalling/re-configuring your Pi.

I just replaced my SD card last week...write speeds were terrible and my Pi 4b was taking forever to boot up. I took that as a hint that my SD card needed to be replaced. Also, buy decent quality SD cards...Samsung, Sandisk, and the other major brands are more reliable than the no-name knock-offs you can find for a few $ less.

Another tip - use log2ram. This nice app will force your Syslog and other logs to RAM rather than to your SD card, greatly extending the life of the SD card. The only downside is if your Pi crashes, you may lose some log data. I don't really care about this but others might.

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

seems like pihole -up does not update web interface :) i have speedtest mod, any ideas how to update it to new version and have speedtestmod installed?

You can run the latest Pi-hole core and FTL using the older speedtest web admin UI. The 3 components of pi-hole (core, FTL, web) are modular, you can update any one or two and run an older version of one of the components with minimal negative impact. In my experience, running a slightly older Web UI hasn't caused any problems. Once Sid updates speedtest, you can follow the update instructions and manually update as usual. If you're using Docker images, then it's pretty likely you'll have to wait until all 3 components of pi-hole are up-to-date.

bentkowski commented 2 years ago

obraz obraz

This is same machine, im wondering how to update this and i think i will wait for tommorow as arevindh said

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

Yikes I didn't know Pi-hole was doing that. I've been running into some strange issues that might point to an issue with my SD card. :(

Any good tools to verify if the card is the cause?

Forgot to mention that your other option is to simply use an external USB SSD drive (most Raspberry Pi 4b's have USB boot enabled by default). It's much faster and much longer-lasting than SD memory. If you do go the SSD route, buy an externally powered docking station for it (like Sabrent), as SSD drives draw more power than typical USB peripherals.

arevindh commented 2 years ago

@ChrisWNY @town3r @bentkowski Please update and check

town3r commented 2 years ago

Update complete via curl -sSL | bash

Did notice that it looks like the graph legend spacing seems a bit off.



town3r commented 2 years ago

Side note, where can I change the Speedtest Results Over Last 1 Days text?

I'd like to change it to Speedtest Results Over Last 24 Hours to match the other graphs

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

Updated...looks good, haven't noticed any issues (so far).

ChrisWNY commented 2 years ago

Side note, where can I change the Speedtest Results Over Last 1 Days text?

I'd like to change it to Speedtest Results Over Last 24 Hours to match the other graphs


You can change the display range within there (I typically use 7 days). There is no 24 hours option, that would need to be changed in a feature update.

Are you running speedtests every hour or two? I've noticed many speedtest servers will block you if you run tests more than a couple times during a 24-hr period.


arevindh commented 2 years ago

@town3r let me try this weekend

bentkowski commented 2 years ago

looks good:)

corasaniti commented 2 years ago

@arevindh when you push the new version to docker hub?

Docker Tag 2022.04.3 Pi-hole FTL v5.15, Web v5.12 and Core v5.10


corasaniti commented 2 years ago

Thanks for push docker image on Dockerhub 👍