Open rollyar opened 6 years ago
haml _form.html.haml
= f.association :company, as: :select,
collection: [['All', nil], [, f.object.company_id]],
label: "Company",
required: true,
input_html: { class: 'select2', data: { url: company_suggestions_url } }
coffee initializer
$(document).on 'ready', ->
coffee helper
class window.Select2Helper
@initialize: ->
select2DomElements = document.querySelectorAll('select.select2')
select2DomElements.forEach (select2) ->
url = select2.getAttribute('data-url')
labelMethod = select2.getAttribute('data-label-method')
containsOption = select2.getAttribute('data-contains-option')
ajax = undefined
if url != null
ajax =
url: url
dataType: 'json'
delay: 250
data: (params) ->
query = {}
query[] = (params.query || {}).term || params.term
{ contains_option: containsOption, query: params.term, label_method: labelMethod }
processResults: (data, params) ->
res = []
res.push(id: 'contains:', text: 'Все', html: 'All') if data.length
for item in data
id = undefined
html = undefined
if typeof item == 'string'
id = item
html = item
else if Array.isArray(item)
[html, id] = item
else if typeof item == 'object' &&
if item.text || item.html
{ id, text, html } = item
id =
html = item[Object.keys(item)[0]]
text = html.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '')
item =
id: id
html: html
text: text
title: text
{ results: res }
allowClear: true
language: 'en-EN'
placeholder: 'All'
minimumResultsForSearch: 0
multiple: select2.getAttribute('multiple')
ajax: ajax
$(select2).on "select2:clear", (evt) ->
$(this).on "select2:opening.cancelOpen", (evt) ->
@formatResult: (node) ->
if typeof ( is 'string' && /^contains:/.test(
node.html = $("<span class=\"contains\">#{node.text}</span>")
else if typeof ( is 'string' && /^<.+\/>$/
node.html = $(node.html)
my application.js
//= require select2-full
//= require select2_locale_ru
//= require select2_init.
haml is rendered this html:
<select class="form-control select required select2 select2-hidden-accessible" data-url="https://.../company_suggestions" required="required" aria-required="true" name="company" id="company" data-select2-id="company" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
<option value="" data-select2-id="2"></option>
<option selected="selected" value="2" data-select2-id="3">Macdonalds1</option>
After dom ready select2.initialize search all select.select2
elements in DOM and initialized its all.
Hi, I have rails 5.2 and ruby 2.5.1, i installed "gem rails-select2" and added to application.js
and added to application.scss
and this is sample of call in provider.coffe.erb
and this is a fragment of view
what is wrong, what make bad? Tanks for your help!