arghadipmanna101 / Flipkart_Clone

Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
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Feat:Implement Product Review and Rating System #1214

Open Riyaa019 opened 2 weeks ago

Riyaa019 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the feature

Objective: The Product Review and Rating System aims to enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to provide feedback on products they have purchased. This feature will enable users to write detailed reviews, rate products on a 5-star scale, and interact with other customers' reviews. The system will provide valuable insights for other shoppers and help sellers improve their offerings based on customer feedback.

Key Components:

User Reviews:

Text Reviews: Customers can write detailed reviews about their purchased products. Each review will have a character limit (e.g., 500 characters) to ensure concise and relevant feedback. Image Uploads: Users can optionally upload images to accompany their reviews, providing a visual reference for other shoppers. Product Ratings:

5-Star Rating System: Users can rate products from 1 to 5 stars. The overall rating of each product will be calculated as the average of all user ratings and displayed prominently on the product page. Review Moderation:

Flagging System: Reviews can be flagged by users for inappropriate content. Flagged reviews will be sent to the admin panel for moderation. Admin Control: Admin users can approve, reject, or delete flagged reviews to maintain the quality and appropriateness of the content. Sorting and Filtering:

Sorting Options: Users can sort reviews by most recent, highest rating, and lowest rating to quickly find relevant feedback. Filter by Rating: Implement filters that allow users to view reviews with specific star ratings (e.g., only 5-star reviews). User Interaction:

Upvotes/Downvotes: Users can upvote or downvote reviews based on their helpfulness. Reviews with higher upvotes will be highlighted. Review Count: Display the number of upvotes and downvotes each review has received to help users gauge its helpfulness. Notification System:

User Notifications: Notify users when their reviews are approved, flagged, or moderated. Seller Notifications: Sellers receive notifications about new reviews on their products, enabling them to respond or take necessary actions. Benefits:

Enhanced Decision-Making: Customers can make informed purchasing decisions based on real user feedback and ratings. Increased User Engagement: Encourages users to share their experiences and interact with the community. Valuable Insights for Sellers: Provides sellers with constructive feedback to improve their products and services. Trust and Credibility: Builds trust and credibility in the platform by showcasing authentic user experiences.

Describe the solution you'd like

Objective: To enhance the user experience by implementing a frontend interface that allows users to submit product reviews, rate products, view and interact with existing reviews, and filter/sort reviews on the Flipkart Clone online shopping app.

Key Components:

Review Submission Form:

Form Elements:

Text Input: A textarea for users to write their review, with a character counter to indicate the remaining characters (e.g., limit to 500 characters). Star Rating: A clickable 5-star rating component allowing users to rate the product from 1 to 5 stars. Image Upload: An image upload button allowing users to attach images to their review (optional). Submit Button: A button to submit the review. Validation:

Ensure that the text review is not empty. Ensure that a rating is selected. Optional validation for image size and format. UI/UX:

Clear labels and instructions for each form element. Real-time validation messages for incomplete or incorrect inputs. Loading spinner or progress indicator while the review is being submitted. Displaying Reviews:

Review List:

Display a list of reviews with the following information: User name and avatar (if available). Star rating. Review text. Uploaded images (displayed as thumbnails). Review date. Upvote and downvote buttons. Flag button for reporting inappropriate content. Sorting and Filtering:

Dropdown menu for sorting reviews by most recent, highest rating, and lowest rating. Filter options to display reviews with specific star ratings (e.g., only 5-star reviews). Review Interaction:

Upvote/Downvote: Users can click to upvote or downvote reviews. Display the count of upvotes and downvotes. Flagging: Users can click a flag icon to report inappropriate content, triggering a confirmation dialog. User Notifications:

Display success or error messages when a review is submitted. Provide feedback when an upvote, downvote, or flag action is performed. Implementation Steps:

Review Submission Form:

Create a form component with text input, star rating, and image upload functionalities. Use state management (e.g., React's useState) to handle form data and validation. Implement form submission using an API call to the backend (assume backend API endpoints are already set up). Show loading indicators and handle success/error responses. Review List Component:

Create a component to fetch and display reviews for a product. Use state management to store and update the list of reviews. Implement sorting and filtering functionalities. Display reviews with user details, star rating, review text, images, and interaction buttons. Review Interaction:

Implement upvote and downvote functionality using buttons and handle click events. Implement flagging functionality with a confirmation dialog for reporting reviews. Update the review list dynamically based on user interactions. Styling and Responsiveness:

Use CSS or a styling library (e.g., styled-components) to ensure the review form and list are visually appealing and consistent with the app's design. Ensure that the UI is responsive and works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. Testing:

Test the review submission form for various input scenarios and edge cases. Test the review list display, sorting, filtering, and interaction functionalities. Ensure that the UI behaves correctly on different screen sizes and devices.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Interactive Product Q&A Section: Objective: To allow users to ask questions and get answers about products, improving the decision-making process and user engagement.

Key Components:

Q&A Section:

A section on each product page where users can ask questions and read answers from other users and sellers. Upvoting system for helpful questions and answers. Notification System:

Notify users when their questions receive answers. Notify sellers of new questions to encourage timely responses. Implementation Steps:

Q&A Section:

Add a Q&A section on product pages with input fields for questions and answers. Display existing questions and answers with upvote buttons. Notification System:

Implement notifications for users and sellers regarding new questions and answers. Ensure notifications are clear and prompt users to engage.

Add ScreenShots

Screenshot (97) there is no section for the review in the above screenshot I will add a section that will provide users to write reviews and now the ratings will be according to public interest Screenshot (98) Here's the flowchart that can help in understanding.
