arghadipmanna101 / Flipkart_Clone

Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
MIT License
197 stars 512 forks source link

Feat: UI enhanment #1269

Open krishnas2004 opened 1 week ago

krishnas2004 commented 1 week ago

Describe the feature

in the navigation


login {v} arrow is mis placed and Become Seller is there the text is cutted

Describe the solution you'd like

the login section should be in centered and Become Seller part will be in should in good padding

Describe alternatives you've considered

will use styling and padding issues to solve

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krishnas2004 commented 1 week ago


krishnas2004 commented 1 week ago

@arghadipmanna101 pls assign me this issue

Sandeepkumargond commented 3 days ago

@arghadipmanna101 pls assign me this issue. I want to contribute on this project. Before--

Screenshot 2024-06-25 122923


Screenshot 2024-06-25 122934