arghadipmanna101 / Flipkart_Clone

Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
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Suggestions for Layout Improvements on Order and Profile Pages #1279

Open deepak00944 opened 1 week ago

deepak00944 commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

After reviewing your website, I have a couple of suggestions for layout improvements:

Order Page Layout: Currently, the orders are displayed side by side. I propose changing this layout so that each order appears one below the other. This vertical arrangement will enhance readability and provide a more organized view of the orders.

Profile Page Alignment: There is an alignment issue on the profile page where the text starts from the edge of the screen. This looks unappealing and affects the overall user experience. Adjusting the text alignment to include some padding will make the page look more professional and user-friendly.

What happened?

Order Page Layout: The orders are currently displayed side by side, with each order next to the other. This layout can be confusing and hard to read.

Profile Page Alignment: The text on the profile page starts from the very edge of the screen, which doesn't look visually appealing and affects readability.

Expected behavior

Order Page Layout: Each order should be displayed one below the other in a vertical arrangement. This layout will improve readability and provide a more organized and user-friendly view of the orders.

Profile Page Alignment: The text on the profile page should start with some padding from the edge of the screen. Proper alignment and spacing will enhance the visual appeal and overall user experience.



