arghadipmanna101 / Flipkart_Clone

Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
MIT License
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BUG : Unusual spacing and Fonts issues #1280

Open sauraabhh opened 1 week ago

sauraabhh commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

In the Frequently Asked Questions sections there is an unusal spacing and the font colors also seems off so it looks more unorganised which I would like to modify it

What happened?

No response

Expected behavior

I want a FAQ section which seems more attractive to user which would help them and the color scheme seems off in that particular section .


Screenshot 2024-06-21 223105 @arghadipmanna101 please assign me this issue under GSSoC'24


kashi-verma commented 4 days ago

please assign me this issue it is important for me to make my profile much better.