arghadipmanna101 / Flipkart_Clone

Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
MIT License
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Enhancing Contact Us Page #1309

Open tempestanya opened 3 days ago

tempestanya commented 3 days ago

I propose revamping the website's Contact Us page for improved aesthetics and usability. The current design lacks appeal, hindering user engagement. By enhancing its visual elements and user interface, we can create a more welcoming and effective platform for visitor interaction.

Here's what I propose:

Current Contact Us Section lacks contrast and readability: image

If assigned I'll do it justice (assign under GSSOC please).

ShraddhaSabde commented 3 days ago

I would like to do this task can you please assign this to me I can make it more interactive, Can you please assign it to me ?

143divya commented 21 hours ago

Can you please assign this issue to under gssoc24? I want to work on this.