Open creaktive opened 10 years ago
There is already a sample GNU Radio Companion flow graph in the apps folder:
I have only tried gr-flarm in North America, where FLARM uses channel hopping in the 902-928 MHz band. If you're in Europe, I'm not sure what the correct frequency is.
OK, figured out that my Mac OS installation of GNU Radio was borked; using Linux version I was able to load flarm_6chan.grc properly. Indeed, I am in Europe; will check the nRF905 datasheets to make the adjustments. Also, how did you managed to obtain the encryption keys? They look different from the ones published in
As far as I know, only two channels are used in Europe, so the flow graph could be simplified. If you get it working well, I would love to add a European flow graph to gr-flarm.
FLARM has changed their encryption algorithm and keys since that 2008 posting. I got the keys from the Open Glider Network project:
Thank you very much for the awesome work! But could you please inform the sample rate required for the packetizer to work? Also, is the center frequency 868.3 MHz? Ideally, could you please just post a screenshot of an already-configured GNU Radio Companion screen?