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Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution
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added yaml code to ask for missing info #60

Closed maxvonhippel closed 7 years ago

maxvonhippel commented 7 years ago

Now if something is missing from your YAML file the command line will prompt you for the missing information. You just type it in and press enter and it moves on as if the information had been in the YAML file all along.

argiopetech commented 7 years ago

Nice catch on the two iostream includes, by the way. I'm not actually sure where the current header declaring std::istringstream is being pulled from, so it's possible sstream is the correct answer there. Let me know what you find.

maxvonhippel commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for sloppiness - this is my first time working with c++, I'll get in the hang of it. I'll clean up the imports and otherwise respond to your feedback this week and then submit. And I'll let you know what I find RE sstream etc, thanks!

argiopetech commented 7 years ago

Nope, no worries at all. This is why we have code review. Looking forward to your changes!

maxvonhippel commented 7 years ago

Ok, I responded to your comments. In my email previously I brought up issues with assembled files and with the make process; I was wrong on both fronts. Regarding documentation, I think we should move to a documentation platform such as readthedocs or Github Wiki. If you choose one, I'd be happy to move all the existing docs over accordingly and to update them with instructions for macOS. Let me know. Also, I read your .gitignore and learned a lot about how to write a good .gitignore in doing so, so thanks for that! Lots of patterns in there I was previously unaware of.