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Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution
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simCluster in GAIA filters #78

Open sivdur opened 1 year ago

sivdur commented 1 year ago

I use simCluster to create synthetic clusters with the $Gaia$ magnitudes using the following lines in the .yaml file but I only get the $u, g, r, i, z, J, H,$ and $K$ data.

        msRgbModel:     5     # 0 = Girardi, 1 = Chaboyer-Dotter w/He sampling,
                              # 2 = Yale-Yonsei (unsupported, 3 = Old (jc2mass) DSED,
                              # 4 = New DSED, 5 = PARSEC, 6 = New Yale-Yonsei (2018)

        wdModel:        4     # 0 = Wood, 1 = Montgomery (original), 2 = Althaus, 3 = Renedo, 4 = Montgomery (2018)
        M_wd_up:        8.0   # The maximum mass for a WD-producing star
        ifmr:           2     # 0 = Weidemann, 1 = Williams, 2 = Salaris lin,
                              # 3 = Salaris pw lin, 4+ = tunable

I think simCluster has no support for the $Gaia$ filters. Do you plan on simCluster and scatterCluster producing synthetic clusters in the $Gaia$ photometry?

all the best, Sivan.

tedvh commented 1 year ago

simCluster supports whatever filters are in your stellar evolution model. I suspect that you have an older version of the PARSEC model file. Check to see what filters are in that file, and if there are only this small handful, then update that model file from our GitHub models directory. I wouldn't suggest using scatterCluster any longer and we probably should make it no longer available. You can scatter your own photometry with whatever uncertainty you think appropriate.

sivdur commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick replay but I double checked the PARSEC model file and it is the newest version containing the Gaia magnitudes. I also use Base-9 version 9.5.0 but when I type simCluster --version, I get Base-HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND.

this is the output of simCluster --help

        Prints help

        Prints version string

        YAML configuration file

        initialize the random number generator

        0 = Girardi
        1 = Chaboyer-Dotter w/He sampling
        2 = Original Yale-Yonsei (not currently supported)
        3 = Old (jc2mass) DSED
        4 = New DSED
        5 = PARSEC
        6 = New Yale-Yonsei models (2018)

        0 = Weidemann
        1 = Williams
        2 = Salaris lin
        3 = Salaris pw lin
        4+ = tunable

        0 = Wood
        1 = Montgomery (original)
        2 = Althaus
        3 = Renedo
        4 = Montgomery (2018)

        0 = None
        1 = Baraffe

        The absolute path to a photometry file for input

        The absolute path to a scatter file for output. The scatter
        file does not have to exist and WILL be overwritten without

        Run information is appended to this name

        The directory in which models are located

        The maximum mass for a WD-producing star








        0 being the first filter in the dataset



        percent binaries (drawn randomly)

        percent of WDs that have He atmospheres (drawn randomly)


        apparant mags, can remove bright stars, e.g. RGB

        apparant mags, can remove faint stars, e.g. faint MS and WDs

        0=bluest band available

        use to remove objects with overly low signal-to-noise

        Sets the step sizes for mass and mass ratio in sampleMass

9.3.0 flags
        Specify the number of local threads with which to run

        Run the burnin only using the "propClustBigSteps" algorithm

9.4.0 flags
        Turns off integration over secondary mass

9.4.4 flags
        Keeps simCluster from generating WDs

9.5.0 flags
    --backend <int>
        Specify the desired back end:
            0 = File
            1 = SQLite

    --run <runID>
        Specify a previous run ID in the DB on which to base this run.
        Currently only supported by sampleWDMass and sampleMass.
        Only makes sense if you're using the SQLite backend.

        Specifies distance values in parallax. Can not be combined
        with any DistMod flag. Must all be specified simultaneously.

the header of the model file as follows:

# PARSEC Model
# Gaia DR2 SDSS ugriz 2MASS
%f G G_BP G_RP u g r i z J H K
%s [Fe/H]=-2.0000 [Alpha/Fe]=0.0000 l/Hp=1.7400 Y=0.248838
%a logAge=7.419956
# EEP Mass G G_BP G_RP u g r i z J H K
tedvh commented 1 year ago

My BASE-9 code doesn't give the right version number either. Some benign error that has crept in.

As for the PARSEC file, that'll take an extra step or two. I see that the one on Github is very old, but Github won't let me upload the latest because of file size issues. Send me an email directly to and I'll send you a dropbox link to an updated PARSEC isochrone file that I've built.