argmaxinc / WhisperKit

On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
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Async batch predictions #107

Closed jkrukowski closed 5 months ago

jkrukowski commented 5 months ago

Should partially resolve

This is how signposts look like in Instruments (for processing 5 audio files):

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 11 30 49

Some benchmarks on my MacBook Air M1 (running in the release mode using tiny model time swift run -c release whisperkit-cli transcribe [...]):

using Alice.mp3 file provided by @ZachNagengast:

API changes





public func transcribe(
    audioPath: String,
    decodeOptions: DecodingOptions? = nil,
    callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
) async throws -> TranscriptionResult?

use instead

public func transcribe(
    audioPath: String,
    decodeOptions: DecodingOptions? = nil,
    callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
) async throws -> [TranscriptionResult]



public func transcribe(
    audioArray: [Float],
    decodeOptions: DecodingOptions? = nil,
    callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
) async throws -> TranscriptionResult?

use instead

public func transcribe(
    audioArray: [Float],
    decodeOptions: DecodingOptions? = nil,
    callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
) async throws -> [TranscriptionResult]




func decodeText(
    from encoderOutput: MLMultiArray,
    using decoderInputs: DecodingInputs,
    sampler tokenSampler: TokenSampling,
    options decoderOptions: DecodingOptions,
    callback: ((TranscriptionProgress) -> Bool?)?
) async throws -> [DecodingResult]

use instead

func decodeText(
    from encoderOutput: MLMultiArray,
    using decoderInputs: DecodingInputs,
    sampler tokenSampler: TokenSampling,
    options decoderOptions: DecodingOptions,
    callback: ((TranscriptionProgress) -> Bool?)?
) async throws -> DecodingResult



func detectLanguage(
    from encoderOutput: MLMultiArray,
    using decoderInputs: DecodingInputs,
    sampler tokenSampler: TokenSampling,
    options: DecodingOptions,
    temperature: FloatType
) async throws -> [DecodingResult]

use instead

func detectLanguage(
    from encoderOutput: MLMultiArray,
    using decoderInputs: DecodingInputs,
    sampler tokenSampler: TokenSampling,
    options: DecodingOptions,
    temperature: FloatType
) async throws -> DecodingResult

Breaking changes


static func loadAudio(fromPath audioFilePath: String) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer?


static func loadAudio(fromPath audioFilePath: String) throws -> AVAudioPCMBuffer


public init(
    audioProcessor: any AudioProcessing, 
    transcriber: any Transcriber, 
    decodingOptions: DecodingOptions, 
    requiredSegmentsForConfirmation: Int = 2, 
    silenceThreshold: Float = 0.3, 
    compressionCheckWindow: Int = 20, 
    useVAD: Bool = true, 
    stateChangeCallback: AudioStreamTranscriberCallback?


public init(
    audioEncoder: any AudioEncoding,
    featureExtractor: any FeatureExtracting,
    segmentSeeker: any SegmentSeeking,
    textDecoder: any TextDecoding,
    tokenizer: any WhisperTokenizer,
    audioProcessor: any AudioProcessing,
    decodingOptions: DecodingOptions,
    requiredSegmentsForConfirmation: Int = 2,
    silenceThreshold: Float = 0.3,
    compressionCheckWindow: Int = 20,
    useVAD: Bool = true,
    stateChangeCallback: AudioStreamTranscriberCallback?


func prepareDecoderInputs(withPrompt initialPrompt: [Int]) -> DecodingInputs?


func prepareDecoderInputs(withPrompt initialPrompt: [Int]) throws -> DecodingInputs
jkrukowski commented 5 months ago

Prediction side of this looks great, nicely done. I left a few comments on how it could be cleaned up a bit.

There is one missing part that is up to you if you want to include in this PR or add later, which is the actual chunking strategy for a continuous audio array. We will want to use the VAD and select breakpoints as close to 30s that does not cut off any speech in progress, with perhaps a threshold for how much silence to aim for to make our cuts (lots of experimentation to do here). Note that if you choose to do that in a later PR, then some of the comments can be skipped below, and this can simply be multiple file batching. Without a chunking strategy that uses VAD then we wouldn't want to chunk single files at all because it would degrade accuracy.

I'd rather leave VAD for a separate PR if that's ok