argmaxinc / WhisperKit

On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
MIT License
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Issue with languages other than English #98

Closed miguel-arrf closed 5 months ago

miguel-arrf commented 5 months ago


I've been playing with the sample app, and, at least for Spanish and Portuguese, regardless of the task (either Transcribe or Translate), the output is being translated.

The whisper-large-v3-turbo 954MB model is the only one that doesn't translate automatically (it happens with all other v3 large models). Is this expected?

Thank you :)

ZachNagengast commented 5 months ago

@miguel-arrf thanks for the report, which models did you try? Depending on the source audio, the smaller models can have a tough time with transcription. To get Spanish text out, you'll definitely want to use transcribe with the language set to Spanish. If you have a sample audio file we can take a look as well.

atiorh commented 5 months ago

@miguel-arrf Could you also report the results with Settings > Cache prefill disabled?

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

I see the same behavior with distil-whisper_distil-large-v3_594MB model. If set language to nil then it translates to English even if task is set to transcribe

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

And I have tried with Cache profile false. The same result. If languageCode is set then all is working as expected. But I wanted to use automatics language detection instead of setting language manually

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

I was wrong, even if set language to specific language distil-whisper_distil-large-v3_594MB return English translation. For Transcribe task

ZachNagengast commented 5 months ago

Would you mind providing some implementation details such as the code being used? And ideally verbose logs of a case where you see this happening?

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

The code is the same as for example.

Set language to 'ru'. Tried to transcribe "попытка распознать речь". Got transliteration instead of transcribe this time (before that it was translation). All is working well with 'base' model

Log below

[WhisperKit] Loaded audio encoder
[WhisperKit] Loading text decoder
[WhisperKit] Loaded text decoder
[WhisperKit] Loading models from /file:/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/951645AE-11B1-46E7-BF32-D3BEE7417134/ with prewarmMode: false
[WhisperKit] Loading feature extractor
[WhisperKit] Loaded feature extractor
[WhisperKit] Loading audio encoder
[WhisperKit] Loaded audio encoder
[WhisperKit] Loading text decoder
[WhisperKit] Loaded text decoder
[WhisperKit] Loading tokenizer for large-v3
[WhisperKit] Loaded tokenizer
[WhisperKit] Loaded models for whisper size: large-v3
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 32000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.6009644, 0.064131714, 0.18530601, 6.959497e-06)
Debug info: transcribeAudioSamples transcribe transcribe ru
Debug info: DecodingOptions(verbose: false, task: transcribe, language: Optional("ru"), temperature: 0.0, temperatureIncrementOnFallback: 0.2, temperatureFallbackCount: 3, sampleLength: 224, topK: 5, usePrefillPrompt: false, usePrefillCache: true, skipSpecialTokens: true, withoutTimestamps: true, wordTimestamps: false, maxInitialTimestamp: nil, clipTimestamps: [0.0], promptTokens: nil, prefixTokens: nil, suppressBlank: false, supressTokens: [], compressionRatioThreshold: Optional(2.4), logProbThreshold: Optional(-1.0), firstTokenLogProbThreshold: Optional(-1.5), noSpeechThreshold: Optional(0.6))
[WhisperKit] Decoder init time: 0.007320046424865723
[WhisperKit] Prefill time: 9.5367431640625e-07
[WhisperKit] Prefill prompt: ["<|startoftranscript|>"]
[WhisperKit] Decoding Seek: 0
[WhisperKit] Decoding 0.0s - 2.8s
[WhisperKit] Decoding with tempeartures [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5996]
[WhisperKit] Decoding Temperature: 0.0
[WhisperKit] Running main loop for a maximum of 223 iterations, starting at index 0
[WhisperKit] Forcing token 50258 at index 0 from initial prompt
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  0 Input Token: 50258
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 0, token: 50259, word: <|en|>
[WhisperKit] Forcing token 50259 at index 1 from initial prompt
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  1 Input Token: 50259
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 64000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.0, 0.0023147985, 0.006751795, 9.011237e-07)
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 1, token: 50360, word: <|transcribe|>
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  2 Input Token: 50360
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.108093 | -0.034027 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 2, token: 50364, word: <|notimestamps|>
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  3 Input Token: 50364
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.108093 | -0.034027 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.470703 |  0.410645 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 3, token: 430, word:  P
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 4, token: 12059, word: OP
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 5, token: 3927, word: IT
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 6, token: 15515, word: CA
[WhisperKit] [0.00 --> 2.80]  POPITCA
[WhisperKit] ---- Transcription Timings ----
[WhisperKit] Audio Load:              0.00 ms /      1 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Audio Processing:        0.62 ms /      1 runs (    0.62 ms/run)  0.05%
[WhisperKit] Mels:                  115.03 ms /      1 runs (  115.03 ms/run)  9.63%
[WhisperKit] Encoding:              933.30 ms /      1 runs (  933.30 ms/run) 78.10%
[WhisperKit] Matrices Init:           7.32 ms /      1 runs (    7.32 ms/run)  0.61%
[WhisperKit] Prefill:                 0.00 ms /      1 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Decoding:              125.32 ms /      7 runs (   17.90 ms/run) 10.49%
[WhisperKit] Non-inference:          10.90 ms /      7 runs (    1.56 ms/run)  0.91%
[WhisperKit] - Logit Filtering:       0.03 ms /      7 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] - Sampling:              6.59 ms /      7 runs (    0.94 ms/run)  0.55%
[WhisperKit] - Kv Caching:            3.26 ms /      7 runs (    0.47 ms/run)  0.27%
[WhisperKit] - Word Timestamps:       0.00 ms /      0 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] - Windowing:             0.07 ms /      1 runs (    0.07 ms/run)  0.01%
[WhisperKit] Fallbacks:               0.00 ms /      0 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Decoding Full Loop:   1187.03 ms /      7 runs (  169.58 ms/run) 99.33%
[WhisperKit] -------------------------------
[WhisperKit] Model Load Time:     1.63 seconds
[WhisperKit] Inference Duration:  1.19 seconds
[WhisperKit] - Decoding Loop:     1.19 seconds
[WhisperKit] Time to first token: 1.09 seconds
[WhisperKit] Total Tokens:        9
[WhisperKit] Tokens per Second:   5.90 tok/s
[WhisperKit] Real Time Factor:    0.59
[WhisperKit] Fallbacks:           0.0
[WhisperKit] [0.00 --> 2.80]  POPITCA
Debug info: transcribeAudioSamples result Optional("en")
segments [WhisperKit.TranscriptionSegment(id: 0, seek: 0, start: 0.0, end: 2.8, text: " POPITCA", tokens: [50258, 50259, 50360, 50364, 430, 12059, 3927, 15515, 50257], tokenLogProbs: [[50258: 0.0], [50259: -0.06732669], [50360: -0.06732669], [50364: -9.059947e-06], [430: -9.059947e-06], [12059: -0.6916409], [3927: -0.6916409], [15515: -2.5611303], [50257: -2.5611303]], temperature: 0.0, avgLogprob: -0.73780155, compressionRatio: 0.8888889, noSpeechProb: 0.0, words: nil)]
Debug info: transcribeAudioSamples transcribe transcribe ru
Debug info: DecodingOptions(verbose: false, task: transcribe, language: Optional("ru"), temperature: 0.0, temperatureIncrementOnFallback: 0.2, temperatureFallbackCount: 3, sampleLength: 224, topK: 5, usePrefillPrompt: false, usePrefillCache: true, skipSpecialTokens: true, withoutTimestamps: true, wordTimestamps: false, maxInitialTimestamp: nil, clipTimestamps: [0.0], promptTokens: nil, prefixTokens: nil, suppressBlank: false, supressTokens: [], compressionRatioThreshold: Optional(2.4), logProbThreshold: Optional(-1.0), firstTokenLogProbThreshold: Optional(-1.5), noSpeechThreshold: Optional(0.6))
[WhisperKit] Decoder init time: 0.0032979249954223633
[WhisperKit] Prefill time: 0.0
[WhisperKit] Prefill prompt: ["<|startoftranscript|>"]
[WhisperKit] Decoding Seek: 0
[WhisperKit] Decoding 0.0s - 4.0s
[WhisperKit] Decoding with tempeartures [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5996]
[WhisperKit] Decoding Temperature: 0.0
[WhisperKit] Running main loop for a maximum of 223 iterations, starting at index 0
[WhisperKit] Forcing token 50258 at index 0 from initial prompt
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  0 Input Token: 50258
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 0, token: 50259, word: <|en|>
[WhisperKit] Forcing token 50259 at index 1 from initial prompt
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  1 Input Token: 50259
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 1, token: 50360, word: <|transcribe|>
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  2 Input Token: 50360
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.108093 | -0.034027 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           0 |       -10000 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 2, token: 50364, word: <|notimestamps|>
[WhisperKit] --------------- DECODER INPUTS DEBUG ---------------
[WhisperKit] Cache Length:  3 Input Token: 50364
[WhisperKit] Key Cache | Val Cache | Align Cache | Update Mask | Decoder Mask | Position
[WhisperKit] -0.291748 | -0.000732 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 0
[WhisperKit]  0.108093 | -0.034027 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 1
[WhisperKit]  0.470703 |  0.410645 |  0.000000 |           0 |            0 | 2
[WhisperKit]  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |           1 |            0 | 3
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 3, token: 359, word:  -
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 4, token: 430, word:  P
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 5, token: 12059, word: OP
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 6, token: 3927, word: IT
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 7, token: 34, word: C
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 8, token: 497, word:  R
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 9, token: 3447, word: US
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 10, token: 42, word: K
[WhisperKit] tokenIndex: 11, token: 497, word:  R
[WhisperKit] Early stopping
[WhisperKit] [0.00 --> 4.00]  - POPITC RUSK R
[WhisperKit] ---- Transcription Timings ----
[WhisperKit] Audio Load:              0.00 ms /      1 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Audio Processing:        0.19 ms /      1 runs (    0.19 ms/run)  0.02%
[WhisperKit] Mels:                    7.51 ms /      1 runs (    7.51 ms/run)  0.69%
[WhisperKit] Encoding:              906.59 ms /      1 runs (  906.59 ms/run) 82.77%
[WhisperKit] Matrices Init:           3.30 ms /      1 runs (    3.30 ms/run)  0.30%
[WhisperKit] Prefill:                 0.00 ms /      1 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Decoding:              167.03 ms /     11 runs (   15.18 ms/run) 15.25%
[WhisperKit] Non-inference:           9.35 ms /     11 runs (    0.85 ms/run)  0.85%
[WhisperKit] - Logit Filtering:       0.01 ms /     11 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] - Sampling:              4.62 ms /     11 runs (    0.42 ms/run)  0.42%
[WhisperKit] - Kv Caching:            4.38 ms /     12 runs (    0.37 ms/run)  0.40%
[WhisperKit] - Word Timestamps:       0.00 ms /      0 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] - Windowing:             0.05 ms /      1 runs (    0.05 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Fallbacks:               0.00 ms /      0 runs (    0.00 ms/run)  0.00%
[WhisperKit] Decoding Full Loop:   1092.04 ms /     11 runs (   99.28 ms/run) 99.70%
[WhisperKit] -------------------------------
[WhisperKit] Model Load Time:     1.63 seconds
[WhisperKit] Inference Duration:  1.10 seconds
[WhisperKit] - Decoding Loop:     1.09 seconds
[WhisperKit] Time to first token: 0.93 seconds
[WhisperKit] Total Tokens:        14
[WhisperKit] Tokens per Second:   10.07 tok/s
[WhisperKit] Real Time Factor:    0.27
[WhisperKit] Fallbacks:           0.0
[WhisperKit] [0.00 --> 4.00]  - POPITC RUSK R
Debug info: transcribeAudioSamples result Optional("en")
segments [WhisperKit.TranscriptionSegment(id: 0, seek: 0, start: 0.0, end: 4.0, text: " - POPITC RUSK R", tokens: [50258, 50259, 50360, 50364, 359, 430, 12059, 3927, 34, 497, 3447, 42, 497, 50257], tokenLogProbs: [[50258: 0.0], [50259: -0.10038931], [50360: -0.10038931], [50364: -1.1324947e-05], [359: -1.1324947e-05], [430: -0.70845985], [12059: -0.70845985], [3927: -2.0009668], [34: -2.0009668], [497: -0.7513129], [3447: -0.7513129], [42: -0.95198274], [497: -0.95198274], [50257: -0.2918289]], temperature: 0.0, avgLogprob: -0.66557676, compressionRatio: 1.2, noSpeechProb: 0.0, words: nil)]
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 96000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.07918951, 0.003477635, 0.011624122, 1.846689e-06)
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 128000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.11438229, 0.004325367, 0.009467858, 5.3035856e-06)
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 160000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.030788798, 0.002832959, 0.010625504, 5.266931e-06)
[WhisperKit] Current audio size: 192000 samples, most recent buffer: 1600 samples, most recent energy: (0.04899593, 0.0031364716, 0.009173056, 6.2020645e-06)
Debug info: loading items 20 10
receiving text from Transcriber (" - POPITC RUSK R", "russian")
ZachNagengast commented 5 months ago

@miguel-arrf @ArchieGoodwin sorry for the delay, I can see from this log that the prefill prompt is not being used, so it just is trying to transcribe into english by default. In the app, make sure this is enabled, and in CLI it is --use-prefill-prompt

CleanShot 2024-04-08 at 11 56 56@2x

In addition to that the distil model you're using is actually not trained to be multilingual, so it will always output english text.

atiorh commented 5 months ago

In addition to that the distil model you're using is actually not trained to be multilingual,

Emphasis on this: Definitely use a large-v3 or small variant for non-English applications.

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

I see, make sense. Thank you

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

But one question still. Is automatic language detect works for example with large-v3 or small models? I can't make it work

ZachNagengast commented 5 months ago

@ArchieGoodwin I've added a new decoding option in #114 called detectLanguage which will enforce checking the language regardless of usePrefillPrompt settings. You may also use it on its own to do a single forward pass and return the language with code like this:

        let whisperKit = try await WhisperKit(
            modelFolder: tinyModelPath(),
            verbose: true,
            logLevel: .debug

        let audioFilePath = try XCTUnwrap(
            Bundle.module.path(forResource: "ja_test_clip", ofType: "wav"),
            "Audio file not found"

        // To detect language only, set `sampleLength` to 1 and no prefill prompt
        let optionsDetectOnly = DecodingOptions(task: .transcribe, temperatureFallbackCount: 0, sampleLength: 1, detectLanguage: true)

        let result = try await XCTUnwrapAsync(
            await whisperKit.transcribe(audioPath: audioFilePath, decodeOptions: optionsDetectOnly),
            "Failed to transcribe"

ArchieGoodwin commented 5 months ago

This works! Thank you @ZachNagengast