Can you update the notebook so that it has a single RadRoads() function that shows the following for each inputted city:
Longest Segment [Red]
Shortest Segment [Blue]
Straightest Segment [Green]
Most Sinusoisal segment aka Curviest [Yellow]
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Hi - Excellent work merging all the work into a nice function based notebook.
Few comments and small changes FOR THE EPIC WIN! ( You have already WON ;) )
re: Curviest Roads - I remember us discussing using Sinuosity as a measure instead of Circuity. See here for how to implement using geopandas -
Can you update the notebook so that it has a single RadRoads() function that shows the following for each inputted city:
How to submit an issue?
read through how your issue was solved and may help them solve their issue
, a handy tool to quickly write in markdown?