argonjs / argon-aframe

glue to use aframe to author argon applications
MIT License
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geopose demo #16

Open Arvrairobo opened 6 years ago

Arvrairobo commented 6 years ago

i just tried to check geopose demo on my mobile on chrome browser and i am seeing a strange output, it keeps flickering and the video feed of camera quality is also blurr. how can improve it? please check attached gif file..

ezgif com-resize

blairmacintyre commented 6 years ago


There are two issues here. The camera feed resolution is based on the phone and OS version, as to what it ends up resolving to. We had it working with reasonable defaults at one point; you could fork the code and change the init parameters to work with yours if you'd like. But it's hard to get working on all devices and versions -- there's just too much variability with Android.

For the flickering, that's a bug in Chrome. Those are DIVs positioned at VERY FAR AWAY (like, literally the distance they are from you in meters in the real world). Chrome can't handle rendering them properly. Some versions of Chrome and Android work, some don't.

If you find away to fix this, please submit a PR. We aren't working on it right now, especially with WebXR coming to Chrome on Android soon.

Arvrairobo commented 6 years ago

ok so does that mean argon4 browser solves all that problem? if yes

how can i integrate argon4 browser in the mobile app like ionic/cordova or react native app as a web view.? any suggestions?

blairmacintyre commented 6 years ago

The app isn’t written with any of those systems, in a way that makes this easy. We actually started with cordova years ago, but it was too inefficient at the time (I have no idea if it’s gotten better).

The source for the app is open, so you could copy it and modify it to do what you need, but I suspect that would be way more work than you want.

I have no good suggestions for this: if we could have used one of those systems we would have.