argonlefou / DemulShooter

Enable dual lightgun play in arcade games and emulator
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The House of the Dead Remake Ouputs #126

Closed MarceloF1000 closed 1 year ago

MarceloF1000 commented 1 year ago

Please help.

Only 2 outputs are detected by Mamehooker: P1_LmpStart and P2_LmpStart


[General] MameStart= MameStop= StateChange= OnRotate= OnPause= [KeyStates] RefreshTime= [Output] P1_LmpStart= P2_LmpStart=

I am using the April 2022 version of the game. DemulShooter

I had the mystery wizard patch installed, which I carefully removed. Then installed and configured your Arcade Mod.

This is my AHK script to launch the game:

Run, \Emulators\Mamehooker5.1\mamehook.exe Process, Wait, mamehook.exe, 10

Sleep 2000

Run, The House of the Dead Remake.exe Process, Wait, The House of the Dead Remake.exe, 10

Sleep 2000

Run, \Emulators\Utils\DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=windows -rom=hotdra Process, Wait, DemulShooterX64.exe, 10

argonlefou commented 1 year ago


I don't do script debugging.

Please follow the wiki steps to provide a debug file :

There is no logical way for only 2 outputs to appear on MameHooker, as they are all send alltogether. It's all or nothing

The debug file may help

MarceloF1000 commented 1 year ago Here is the file. Hopefully it will have information you can use to pinpoint what is going on. Thanks.

argonlefou commented 1 year ago

The only hint in the debug is the following warning :

19:34:58.681818 : MD5 hash of D:\Program Files\THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD Remake\The House of the Dead Remake_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll = 70997cdf5f802dcfb9262fe4851b6292 19:34:58.681818 : /!\ MD5 Hash unknown, DemulShooter may not work correctly with this target /!\

But the fact that the dll is different means nothing on a DemulShooter point of view for this game,as it's doing nothing to the game. The main actor here is the Unity Plugin and it may work perfectly well or not at all, depending on how different your dll is compared to the ones the Plugin already knows about

Also, more information would be needed to properly understand your issue :

MarceloF1000 commented 1 year ago

All good after reinstalling the game. Not sure why previous install had this issue.

Here is the screenshot I took before I uninstalled and reinstalled the game: hotdremake

Input worked correctly. I only have 1 gun, so no way to test both players.

There are two things I noticed after reinstall:

  1. The aim is off if I change the resolution to anything above 1920x1080 in the Arcade Mod tool.
  2. Recoil activates when pulling the trigger without ammo.

I don't mind the resolution issue, but can you look at issue No. 2? recoil should not activate when pulling the trigger without ammo.


argonlefou commented 1 year ago

Here is the screenshot I took before I uninstalled and reinstalled the game: hotdremake

Sorry but there's nothing I could have done with that screenshot.... What you got was simply.....impossible ! Glad you fixed that by reinstalling the game, something must have gone veeeeery wrong

Input worked correctly. I only have 1 gun, so no way to test both players.

Yes you can : you need to your Gun as P2 Gun in DemulShooter GUI and play HOTD Remake as player 2 If inputs are only moving shooting P2, this means that the combo DemulShooter/UnityPlugin is working If both players are moved/triggered by your gun (or none of them, depends on the gun), there is something going wrong

There are two things I noticed after reinstall:

1. The aim is off if I change the resolution to anything above 1920x1080 in the Arcade Mod tool.

Fullscreen or Windowed ? If fullscreen, this can be a lot of things, from you scaling screen DPI settings in window to other GUI/OS settings. Usually Windowed mode would work whatever the resolution is as those settings are not messing up with your screen. Here again, providing a Debug file while playing in fullscreen 4K or whatever else resolution (and specifying if it was fullscreen or not as I can't guess) could help ruling out some things.

2. Recoil activates when pulling the trigger without ammo.

I don't mind the resolution issue, but can you look at issue No. 2? recoil should not activate when pulling the trigger without ammo.

Here again, could be anything from your Gun (that you didn't even mentionned what it is. Sinden ? Gun4IR ? Aimtrak ? anything else?) to the chain of software handling your outputs.

So far there's nothing to investigate as DemulShooter is simply getting informations from the plugin.

Now as far as the plugin is concerned, many people have tested it and, like your original issue, it's simply impossible that a Recoil event can be triggered if there is no bullets... IF the plugin is correctly working with your release, which is absolutely not a granted thing based on your original debug file

If you want some hint to remove any culprit other than the plugin :

if you got recoil on your gun without mamehooker changing the recoil's related to your gun

MarceloF1000 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all your responses so far. I have Gun4IR. Here are the results of the tests:

new debug file:

Recoil activated when pulling the trigger after running out of ammo: hotdremake2

The same behaviour happened with the gun set to P2 in DemulShooter. Recoil is not activated if trigger is pulled during cut scenes.

The gun works the same whether on P1 or P2 in DemulShooter and outputs appear correctly for the player in mamehooker.

As for the screen resolution, I tested with all screen modes and the aim is off in all of them when running any resolution higher than 1920x1080. My desktop resolution is 2560x1440. Setting the game to the same resolution should theoretically avoid issues, but that did not help. I had scaling set to 150% in Windows because otherwise text is too small to read. I set it back to 100% and problem solved! So the issue had to do with having scaling activated. That was never an issue for me with other games.

As far as I can tell the installation was done correctly following the readme file with a fresh install of the game. I am stumped with regards to the recoil thing. Are there other test I can run that might help?

argonlefou commented 1 year ago

Just by chance.....Are you sure you're using the 2.0 release of the ArcadeMod, and not the (1 day older...) old V1.0 ?

MarceloF1000 commented 1 year ago

Dude, you nailed it. I didn't realize I was using 1.0

After installing 2.0 the recoil issue disappeared.

The resolution thing with aim off still happens, but only if I have scaling enabled.

Thanks for all the help.