argonne-lcf / GettingStarted

Collection of small examples for running on ALCF resources
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value of NRANKS_PER_NODE differs here vs. online docs #2

Closed zingale closed 2 years ago

zingale commented 2 years ago

In the GPU example:, the script sets:


but in the example in the online docs it is set to 4 (

Isn't 4 the correct number, since there are 4 GPUs per node?

saforem2 commented 2 years ago

I believe you're right.

An easy fix would be to replace hard-coded values with something like:

NGPU_PER_RANK=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)


  1. Examples/Polaris/affinity_gpu/
  2. Examples/Polaris/affinity_gpu/

A (maybe too-specific) alternative would be to set these dynamically:


if [[ $(hostname) == theta* ]]; then
    echo "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓"
    echo "┃ Running on ThetaGPU ┃"
    echo "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"
    NRANKS=$(wc -l < ${COBALT_NODEFILE})
    NGPU_PER_RANK=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)
    MPI_COMMAND=$(which mpirun)
    MPI_FLAGS="-x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -n ${NGPUS} -npernode ${NGPU_PER_RANK} --hostfile ${HOSTFILE}"
elif [[ $(hostname) == x* ]]; then
    echo "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓"
    echo "┃ Running on Polaris ┃"
    echo "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛"
    NRANKS=$(wc -l < ${PBS_NODEFILE})
    NGPU_PER_RANK=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)
    MPI_COMMAND=$(which mpiexec)
    MPI_FLAGS="-n ${NGPUS} --ppn ${NGPU_PER_RANK} --envall --hostfile ${HOSTFILE}"
    echo "HOSTNAME: $(hostname)"

cjknight commented 2 years ago

Thanks for calling this out!

Correct, there are 4 GPUs on Polaris nodes. The 8 was chosen here simply as illustrative example of what the little helper script was doing. If application isn't using MPS or MIG mode, then, yes, they're likely to only use a single MPI rank per GPU and a statement to that effect should be added to avoid confusion here. We haven't documented MPS yet in the docs, so we're not showing any "over-subscription" examples there yet.

I'll see if I can get MPS working in examples and then update this to just use 4 ranks and then create a new example script binding multiple ranks per gpu (and similarly for MIG).

cjknight commented 2 years ago

@saforem2 i went ahead and simplified things for 4 ranks. The MPS script with 8 MPI ranks per node look like they're working as expected. I can fix if anything else catches your eye.