argoproj-labs / argocd-autopilot

Argo-CD Autopilot
Apache License 2.0
868 stars 119 forks source link

argocd-autopilot v0.2.24 hangs on repo uninstall #204

Open vainkop opened 2 years ago

vainkop commented 2 years ago

k3s v1.21.5+k3s2 argocd-autopilot v0.2.24

argocd-autopilot repo uninstall hangs on waiting for 'autopilot-bootstrap' to be finish syncing.. until I hit ctrl+c & then it hangs on secret "autopilot-secret" deleted & never finishes.

Before executing argocd-autopilot repo uninstall I've previously successfully deleted the only project with argocd-autopilot project delete argocd-demo

INFO cloning repo: 
Enumerating objects: 18, done.
Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
Total 18 (delta 1), reused 18 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
INFO pushing changes to remote                    
waiting for 'autopilot-bootstrap' to be finish syncing.. ^Cgot signal: interrupt

INFO Deleting cluster resources           "argocd-demo-new-app" deleted "argocd-demo-new-app-2" deleted "cluster-resources-in-cluster" deleted "root" deleted "argocd-demo-demoapp" deleted "autopilot-bootstrap" deleted "argo-cd" deleted
secret "autopilot-secret" deleted
roi-codefresh commented 2 years ago

Hey @vainkop, can you check if it's still reproduces for you? Also I added a workaround that should make it easier. I exposed the --force flag on the repo uninstall command. This flag should ignore some steps that may fail during the installation and will try to leave the cluster and repo as clean as possible. You can take a look here #243 .

mitchross commented 3 months ago

same issue here, force doesnt help either.