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Dex SSO flow fails in FireFox with `http: named cookie not present` and `data length is less than nonce size` #12188

Open WesselAtWork opened 1 year ago

WesselAtWork commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I set up a ODIC dex cognito.

I tried to login with the login via cognito button. I put my credentials in and clicked login.

I was then met with a black html page with the only words http: named cookie not present

I first tried to run it on chrome and that worked flawlessly so it might be FireFox related (running v109.0)

After some digging online: this seems to happen when golang tries to access a cookie that has the wrong path set.

Looking at my browser debug tools I saw the path defined on the cookie to be /auth

The error status code was also 400 IIRC The cookie name was NOT the token one it was the argocd.oauthstate

Looking back at my current url I noticed it ending with https://argo.url/auth/callback?code=xxxxxxxx&state=xxxxxxxxxx

To me this should be fine?

On a whim I removed everything after the /auth (https://argo.url/auth) in the browser and I got logged in! Everything works fine!


I logged out (with argo's application loggout and the cognito logout url) and tried logging back in.

THIS time I got hit with a data length is less than nonce size error.

I noticed that this time I had 2 cookies argocd.oauthstate and argocd.token, both empty argocd.token had a / path argocd.oauthstate had a /auth path

I tried removing everything after /auth (https://argo.url/auth) again, this time I got booted to the app login scream, but I just clicked on login via cognito again, and it worked! I got logged in.

I logged out again (with argo's application loggout and the cognito logout url) and tried logging in for a third time.

This time it just worked™ without fuss.

It now works no matter what I try to do to break it.

After some time it reapears but from the data length is less than nonce size error. I can't seem to make the http: named cookie not present reappear


The main reason why I am making this issue thread is because I found the weird fix by accident!

Remove everything after the /auth in the URL and it should go through.

Also try to access from chrome.


I found these lines in the code:

Which leads directly to

Note the 400 StatusBadRequest

So I think the bad path described in the SO is correct because I see we are not setting a path on the cookies:

And here:

The nounce error is problably some kind of state logic that isn't handled correctly or that CAN'T BE handdled correctly becuase the code can't "find" the argocd.oauthstate cookie

To Reproduce

Expected behavior

Normal Auth to the argo app.


argocd: v2.5.8+bbe870f
  BuildDate: 2023-01-25T16:17:49Z
  GitCommit: bbe870ff5904dd1cebeba6c5dcb7129ce7c2b5e2
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.18.10
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: linux/amd64
FATA[0000] Argo CD server address unspecified

The fatal error is weird...

Logs Application didn't produce any logs. Appeared as a html page

http: named cookie not present
data length is less than nonce size
frealmyr commented 1 year ago

Just hit the same problem using dex with github as the provider. Got HTTP 400 bad request with http: named cookie not present as body during the oidc flow at callback.

I'm on Firefox v110, I also tried out Chromium where there login flow works as intended.

KellenRenshaw commented 7 months ago

Running into this with Firefox 120.0 (64-bit), the workaround/fix works for me as well. ArgoCD version v2.8.4+c279299