argoproj / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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ArgoCD ships with Golang 1.18.1 which contains a large number of CVEs. #18595

Open peadarom opened 2 weeks ago

peadarom commented 2 weeks ago


Describe the bug

ArgoCD ships with a version of Golang that is a few years old - version 1.18.1 and that version contains lots of CVEs.

Details ArgoCD ships with a version of Golang that is a few years ago - version 1.18.1 and that version contains lots of CVEs. Scanners such as XRAY are able to detect lots of CVEs in the latest version of ArgoCD, whereas Snyk is unable to because Snyk is presently unable to detect issues with the Go Standard Library.

I have read your security notice regarding scanners and CVEs, but I believe you may not know about these ones because Snyk doesn't have the capability to detect issues with the Go Standard Library, which is why I am bringing this to your attention.

To Reproduce

Scan ArgoCD with XRAY using jf docker scan to see the results.

Expected behavior

Go is bumped to the latest version.


Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 12 54 29 PM

thecooldrop commented 1 week ago

Hello @christianh814 I would like to work on this issue.

christianh814 commented 1 week ago

@thecooldrop Yes, feel free to work on this!

peadarom commented 1 week ago

Thank you!!

jannfis commented 1 week ago

The latest version of Argo CD 2.10 branch is built with Go 1.21.3

Not sure where your scanner results come from, but I believe it's a false positive.

thecooldrop commented 1 week ago

Looking at Dockerfile and go.mod file in release 2.10 branch it seems that 1.21 version of go is used.

I will try to replicate the issue with xray scanner soon and will get back to you

crenshaw-dev commented 1 week ago

I think it's because of an old version of git-lfs, which is built with an old version of go.

crenshaw-dev commented 1 week ago

agaudreault commented 1 week ago

Closing as duplicate of #18723 and #18278 ?