argoproj / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
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The notifications-controller logging level keeps in “info” for argocd, although the config map argocd-cmd-params-cm configurarion is set to "error". #19276

Open ferchdav opened 1 month ago

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

The notifications-controller logging level keeps in “info” for argocd, although the config map argocd-cmd-params-cm configurarion is set to "error".

Could you please provide a fix?

We want to avoid the large amount of logs that are stored and cause a great cost.

Here the details:

- Doc link:

- Log example: { "insertId": "yl1x08uioffimr03", "jsonPayload": { "msg": "Trigger on-sync-status-unknown result: [{[0].6SzWb05EK-0v90hwjyytTbN7S6A [app-sync-status-unknown] false}]", "level": "info", "resource": "argocd/xxxxxx” }, "resource": { "type": "k8s_container", "labels": { "cluster_name": “cluster_name", "namespace_name": "argocd", "project_id": “npe", "location": "us-east3", "container_name": "notifications-controller", "pod_name": "argocd-notifications-controller-7kjsdhfkjshdf-sdfsdf4f" } }, "timestamp": "2024-07-xx”, "severity": "INFO", "labels": { "k8s-pod/pod-template-hash": “45sdfsdfsdf", .... }, "logName": "projects/npe/logs/stderr", "receiveTimestamp": "2024-07-xx” }

- Notifications Current code which I think causes the issue: The container args takes global.logging.level first:

- Slack message:

juwon8891 commented 1 month ago

@ferchdav I can't reproduce this issue. Can you tell me how to reproduce it in detail?

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

Hello @juwon8891

Yes, here the steps.:

1) Get ArgoCD installed on GCP GKE

2) According to documentation, configure the Config Map argocd-cmd-params-cm with the following data:

Argo CD Notifications Controller Properties

notificationscontroller.log.level: “error” notificationscontroller.log.format: “json” notificationscontroller.selfservice.enabled: "false"

apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: argocd-cmd-params-cm namespace: argocd labels: server argocd Helm argocd-cmd-params-cm argocd v2.11.4 argo-cd-6.9.0 data: applicationsetcontroller.log.format: json applicationsetcontroller.log.level: error applicationsetcontroller.policy: sync controller.log.format: json controller.log.level: error notificationscontroller.log.format: json notificationscontroller.log.level: error notificationscontroller.selfservice.enabled: "false" reposerver.log.format: json reposerver.log.level: error server.log.format: json server.log.level: error

3) Restart the ArgoCD components. kubectl rollout restart sts/argocd-application-controller -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-applicationset-controller -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-dex-server -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-notifications-controller -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-redis-ha-haproxy -n argocd kubectl rollout restart sts/argocd-redis-ha-server -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-repo-server -n argocd kubectl rollout restart deploy/argocd-server -n argocd

4) Review the GCP logs where will see logs like the one copied below where you will get the INFO loggging level information due to the default details settings:

{ "insertId": "yl1x08uioffimr03", "jsonPayload": { "msg": "Trigger on-sync-status-unknown result: [{[0].6SzWb05EK-0v90hwjyytTbN7S6A [app-sync-status-unknown] false}]", "level": "info", "resource": "argocd/xxxxxx” }, "resource": { "type": "k8s_container", "labels": { "cluster_name": “cluster_name", "namespace_name": "argocd", "project_id": “npe", "location": "us-east3", "container_name": "notifications-controller", "pod_name": "argocd-notifications-controller-7kjsdhfkjshdf-sdfsdf4f" } }, "timestamp": "2024-07-xx”, "severity": "INFO", "labels": { "k8s-pod/pod-template-hash": “45sdfsdfsdf", .... }, "logName": "projects/npe/logs/stderr", "receiveTimestamp": "2024-07-xx” }

5) I think the current Notifications code here is causing the issue:

The container args takes global.logging.level first:

--loglevel={{ default .Values.notifications.logLevel }}

and the global logging level is set to a fix value “info” which determines the final result of the issue. (edited)

juwon8891 commented 1 month ago

Sorry I can't reproduce this issue. What environment does this message appear in? Trigger on-sync-status-unknow result: [{[0].6SzWb05EK-0v90hwjytytTbN7S6A [app-sync-status-unknow]

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

@juwon8891 Have you set your ArgoCD on GCP GKE? If so, you will see that despite having the configmap argocd-cmd-params-cm configured with error, all logs with INFO (default value in are being saved on the GCP Logging console from the notification controller causing a lot of expense because of unnecessary information. I hope you have all the information you need now. Please tell me if you don't.

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

@juwon8891 PFA logging_notification_controller.png with details. You will see that the notification-controller is sending logs with level error, debug or info despite error was set in the configmap logging_notification_controller

The logging level configured for the rest of the argocd components are working OK

juwon8891 commented 1 month ago

I still can't find the log in the gke environment.. how about actually checking the container log with the kubectl command?

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

@juwon8891 It's seems you are getting no logs in gcp from your argocd instance. Try any of these 2 options:

1) resource.labels.namespace_name="argocd" labels.k8s-pod/app_kubernetes_io/name="argocd-notifications-controller"

or just:

2) resource.labels.namespace_name="argocd"

and let me know please.

juwon8891 commented 1 month ago

I can still only get the "error" log. If possible, could you check the container log?

ferchdav commented 1 month ago


Yes, here the container logs from 1 of the pods where you see level info, warning, etc

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 17 00 07

and here the configmap conf:

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 17 00 26

juwon8891 commented 1 month ago

Did you restart the notification controller pod after you set up the configmap?

ferchdav commented 1 month ago

Hello @juwon8891 Yes, I've restarted all pieces.