argoproj / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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ArgoCD reports application OutOfSync, CLI shows no diff, UI diff not correct, unable to converge #3150

Open kklimonda opened 4 years ago

kklimonda commented 4 years ago


Describe the bug

Our manifests by default have empty metadata annotations (see for the code example). When initially deployed on the cluster, apps are reported as Synced/Healthy but once annotation is modified out-of-band (e.g. via kubectl rollout restart status changes to OutOfSync/Healthy and cannot be converted to Synced/Healthy via sync anymore.

Furthermore the manifest diff is wrong: CLI shows no diff at all, and WebUI diff doesn't match the manifest (see screenshots).

To Reproduce

$ kubectl create namespace argocd-bug-report
$ argocd app create argocd-bug-report --repo --path env/staging/ --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace argocd-bug-report
$ argocd app sync argocd-bug-report
$ argocd app list | grep argocd-bug-report
argocd-bug-report       https://kubernetes.default.svc  argocd-bug-report       default              Synced     Healthy  <none>      <none>    env/staging/
$ kubectl -n argocd-bug-report rollout restart deployment nginx
deployment.extensions/nginx restarted
$ argocd app list | grep argocd-bug-report
argocd-bug-report       https://kubernetes.default.svc  argocd-bug-report       default              OutOfSync  Healthy  <none>      <none>    env/staging/
$ argocd app diff argocd-bug-report
$ $ argocd app sync argocd-bug-report
TIMESTAMP                  GROUP        KIND   NAMESPACE                         NAME    STATUS    HEALTH        HOOK  MESSAGE
2020-02-24T08:41:38+00:00   apps  Deployment  argocd-bug-report                 nginx  OutOfSync  Healthy

Name:               argocd-bug-report
Project:            default
Server:             https://kubernetes.default.svc
Namespace:          argocd-bug-report
Path:               env/staging/
SyncWindow:         Sync Allowed
Sync Policy:        <none>
Sync Status:        OutOfSync from  (792fea0)
Health Status:      Healthy

Operation:          Sync
Sync Revision:      792fea0287adcce1a9345f870243f528e2879b41
Phase:              Succeeded
Start:              2020-02-24 08:41:38 +0000 UTC
Finished:           2020-02-24 08:41:38 +0000 UTC
Duration:           0s
Message:            successfully synced (all tasks run)

apps   Deployment  argocd-bug-report  nginx  OutOfSync  Healthy        deployment.apps/nginx configured

Expected behavior

Firstly, given that can be added by ArgoCD itself, perhaps that particular annotation should be ignored by default? Secondly, I'd expect sync to drop that annotation to converge application to Synced/Healthy state.


argocd-diff argocd-live argocd-desired


$ argocd version
argocd: v1.4.2+48cced9
  BuildDate: 2020-01-24T01:04:04Z
  GitCommit: 48cced9d925b5bc94f6aa9fa4a8a19b2a59e128a
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.12.6
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: linux/amd64
argocd-server: v1.4.1+f8721a7
  BuildDate: 2020-01-22T22:59:33Z
  GitCommit: f8721a73609611dd481886a78f4b7ce16ef8747b
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.12.6
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: linux/amd64
  Ksonnet Version: v0.13.1
  Kustomize Version: Version: {Version:kustomize/v3.2.1 GitCommit:d89b448c745937f0cf1936162f26a5aac688f840 BuildDate:2019-09-27T00:10:52Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}
  Helm Version: v2.15.2
  Kubectl Version: v1.14.0


Paste any relevant application logs here.
andrusstrockiy commented 4 years ago

@kklimonda same here in the end i added in my deploymet/statefullset

{{- if .Values.annotations }} annotations: {{ toYaml .Values.annotations | indent 4 }} {{- end }}

to please argocd i.e workaround

kvaps commented 4 years ago

Is there any option to disable such verification mechanism for all resources in argocd?

atschabu commented 2 years ago

Using 2.2.x and now 2.3.2 several of my applications are showing as out-of-sync because of the restart annotation.

This seems to affect all my deployments that have an empty annotations in the desired manifest

      annotations: {}

producing a diff like image

MichaelSp commented 2 years ago

I was able to solve it by deleting and re-creating the argo application with all it's resources

atschabu commented 2 years ago

I was able to solve it by deleting and re-creating the argo application with all it's resources

you mean ... including the deployments, pods, services etc? Or just the argocd application resource? I don't want to cause downtime, just to remove some diff

In the meantime I tried adding a ignore spec

  - group: apps
    kind: Deployment
      - .spec.template.metadata.annotations.""

which ended up looking like this image

Removing the annotations: {} from desired manifest, with and without the above ignore spec had no impact.

The only way I found to get rid of it, without causing downtime of my deployment, is to manually edit the live manifest

ragnarpa commented 2 years ago

This worked for me in argocd-cm config map.

  resource.customizations.ignoreDifferences.apps_Deployment: |
      - .spec.template.metadata.annotations.""
      - if (.spec.template.metadata.annotations | length) == 0 then .spec.template.metadata.annotations else empty end

See here how patching works. It's done in a loop with del(<your jq path expression here>).

pcperera commented 1 year ago

We do seemingly have the same issue. Any workarounds other than deleting the resource ? How the resource gets into this state ?


mnacharov commented 1 year ago

this annotation added by kubectl - objectrestarter.go

It looks like a bug for me, because I could manually remove this annotation from Deployment / DaemonSet, although it causes another restart.

yangtian9999 commented 1 year ago

@mnacharov May I know if there will be a PR for this? Thanks very much.

davem-git commented 1 year ago

this doesn't seem to work for me. Its still showing a diff on the annotation:

BillyMorgan commented 1 year ago

I'm frequently getting this same restartedAt issue. Anyone manage to fix it reliably?

BillyMorgan commented 1 year ago

Removing empty annotations: {} fixed it :+1:

shapirus commented 11 months ago

Argocd v2.7.8+92949f6.dirty here.

Doesn't matter if the empty annotations: {} is present or not, the app stays out of sync with the following diff:


gsstuart commented 3 weeks ago

@ragnarpa's solution is working for me, with one modification: using keys | length on the second expression. Otherwise it seems to be ignoring all annotations, I imagine because annotations is not a list and length is always returning zero?

I'm using the following configuration:

resource.customizations.ignoreDifferences.all: |
  - .spec.template.metadata.annotations.""
  - if (.spec.template.metadata.annotations | keys | length) == 0 then .spec.template.metadata.annotations else empty end
llavaud commented 1 week ago

@ragnarpa's solution is working for me, with one modification: using keys | length on the second expression. Otherwise it seems to be ignoring all annotations, I imagine because annotations is not a list and length is always returning zero?

I'm using the following configuration:

resource.customizations.ignoreDifferences.all: |
  - .spec.template.metadata.annotations.""
  - if (.spec.template.metadata.annotations | keys | length) == 0 then .spec.template.metadata.annotations else empty end

both solutions seems to give the same result: