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Dex For Argocd does not support authentication with Atlassian Crowd Connector #4419

Closed abdennour closed 3 years ago

abdennour commented 3 years ago

If you are trying to resolve an environment-specific issue or have a one-off question about the edge case that does not require a feature then please consider asking a question in argocd slack channel.


Describe the bug Argocd cannot handle authentication thru Dex + Atlassian crowd connector

Clicking on login button, it takes time then, it show :

Failed to query provider "": Get "http://argocd-dex-server:5556/api/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration": dial tcp connect: connection refused

To Reproduce

Using argocd helm chart :

        dex.config: |
          - type: atlassian-crowd
            # Required field for connector id.
            id: crowd
            # Required field for connector name.
            name: Crowd
              baseURL: http://crowd.crowd/crowd
              clientSecret: $ATLASSIAN_CROWD_CLIENT_SECRET
              preferredUsernameField: name

Expected behavior




argocd: v1.7.6+b04c25e
  BuildDate: 2020-09-19T00:53:13Z
  GitCommit: b04c25eca8f1660359e325acd4be5338719e59a0
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.14.1
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: darwin/amd64
argocd-server: v1.7.6+b04c25e
  BuildDate: 2020-09-19T00:52:04Z
  GitCommit: b04c25eca8f1660359e325acd4be5338719e59a0
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.14.1
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: linux/amd64
  Ksonnet Version: v0.13.1
  Kustomize Version: {Version:kustomize/v3.6.1 GitCommit:c97fa946d576eb6ed559f17f2ac43b3b5a8d5dbd BuildDate:2020-05-27T20:47:35Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}
  Helm Version: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.2.0", GitCommit:"e11b7ce3b12db2941e90399e874513fbd24bcb71", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.10"}
  Kubectl Version: v1.17.8


kubectl -n argocd logs -f argocd-dex-server-584d58b547-dvgx6

Dex throw out in the logs

 error parse config file /tmp/dex.yaml: error unmarshaling JSON: unknown connector type "atlassian-crowd"
jannfis commented 3 years ago

Hey, you need to also set url in configuration, refer to I believe there is an appropriate parameter for the Helm chart as well.

abdennour commented 3 years ago

@jannfis I did .. But which URL ? crowd or argocd

jannfis commented 3 years ago

Oh, sorry, forget what I said - it clearly is about the connector. Sorry.

jannfis commented 3 years ago

So, turns out we are using Dex v2.22.0 and Atlassian Crowd connector was introduced in v2.23.0. So you can either try your luck with a manual upgrade of Dex image to v2.23.0 (might not work, for whatever reasons tho) or wait for us to provide an update.

jessesuen commented 3 years ago

Let us know if it works, and we can upgrade dex.

abdennour commented 3 years ago

Yep @jannfis ! I've checked dex release notes, and i can see that Crowd is well supported since v2.24.0. I updated dex tag to latest in helm values

    tag: v2.25.0

And now it works like a charm 🎊 🎊🎊

@jessesuen you can upgrade Dex to support Atlassian Crowd. However, you will need to test other connectors with this upgrade.

abdennour commented 2 years ago

@jessesuen I need your urgent support for