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Event management use cases in Kubernetes #1

Open edlee2121 opened 6 years ago

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

Let's use this issue to collect use cases for event management in Kubernetes.

The original motivation for Argo Events is to have a very light-weight, Kubernetes-native mechanism for automatically triggering Argo workflows in response to external and internal events.

Use cases:

What should the Argo Events experience be?

What are we NOT trying to do with Argo Events?

Requirements/Open Issues

Related classes of systems

slongay commented 6 years ago

Maybe for internal events too, like a Kafka message?

magaldima commented 6 years ago

Just some thoughts from my initial work: an S3 bucket trigger is really just an SNS or SQS notification, how tightly coupled the bucket-notification to the actual trigger is probably depends on how often that bucket is used and/or shared.

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@magaldima Thanks, I updated the original comment. @slongay What do you mean when you refer to Kafka messages as an internal event?

vicaire commented 6 years ago

Would the following be a good fit for "argo-events"?

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@vicaire Great examples of what we could do with Argo events!

1) Yes, while an Argo workflow could manually trigger another workflow, it could be more elegant to string together workflows at the event management level. 2) Yes, I think we should allow actions to run a pod or perhaps invoke more general k8s api actions. 3) Yes, this is our intent. I like your description of how Argo events could be used to run data flow applications, where users would not even need to be aware that Argo events or even Kubernetes is the underlying platform.

The possibilities seem endless. We will need to be careful in choosing the right set of use cases for the initial design.

wookasz commented 6 years ago

Interesting project which addresses use case mentioned during community meeting of triggering workflows based on data creation

wookasz commented 6 years ago

@edlee2121 not sure if this is what @slongay had in mind, but the ability to trigger workflows from Kafka messages would be great (saying this selfishly as 99.9% of our backend service communication is over Kafka). I envision something like a mapping of Kafka topic to workflow. argo-events would subscribe to each topic and kick off the corresponding workflow passing the topic parameters and payload as workflow parameters.

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@wookasz really interesting idea! It should be straightforward to create a Kafka consumer group as a deployment that reads from a specified set of topics, perhaps does some filtering, and then creates an Argo event.

slongay commented 6 years ago

@wookasz Yup exactly. I have been playing around using a simple serverless function (kubeless) subscribed to kafka events which trigger argo. It seems like a promising workflow so far.

elibixby commented 6 years ago

I'd like to be able to run argo workflows that continually produce events, and run other argo workflows that consume these continuous streams of events (various ML usecases for this), without needing to be reloaded (either on the triggering or consuming side).

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@elibixby Do you mind describing your use cases in more detail? When you say reloaded, is that the same as starting a new workflow? Why don't you want the workflow reloaded? Do they maintain a lot of in memory state? Thanks.

pplavetzki commented 6 years ago

I really like the way Brigade allows you to build custom gateways that will take external events i.e. kafka and amqp messages etc. and turn them into events that can be published into the framework. This would allow you to develop a common interface that must be implemented to inject events into argo.

I have an application that leverages OpenStack's RabbitMQ to trigger individual containers to process the OpenStack event. If i could use that same event to inject it into Argo to run a workflow, I'd be ecstatic!

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@pplavetzki We definitely want to make it easy to inject all types of events into Kubernetes.

elibixby commented 6 years ago

@edlee2121 Yes, lots of state in memory. Ideally an argo container could produce "outputs" as normal and these outputs would be considered a stream of events. Then downstream tasks in the workflow would be triggered based on some windowing policy over these events, receiving the "window" as inputs.

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@elibixby One way to handle this may be to delay triggering events until certain batching or timing criteria are satisfied.

elibixby commented 6 years ago

@edlee2121 this has very poor performance implications, since delaying applications of trajectories to RL policies means the next time an action needs to be selected, delayed trajectories must be applied. See this paper for an example of the performance improvements from making this asynchronous:

I have some thoughts on how I'd like to see events integrated into Argo as a first class citizen, is this the best place to put them?

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@elibixby Yes, please share additional details about your use case and how you would go about addressing them.

elibixby commented 6 years ago

@edlee2121 I have a rather long proposal written up. Normally I would submit this as a PR with a MD file so people can comment on individual lines, but this repo doesn't have any files yet, so I can't fork it to create a PR. Would you prefer I submit it as an issue on this repo, or a PR on argoproj/argo (it does relate to the core workflow orchestration system, since I think events need to be added as a first class citizen of the core orchestration system to be their most useful).

Note: I think the proposal meets all of the requirements of people in this thread so far, so it's not restricted to my use cases.

edlee2121 commented 6 years ago

@elibixby I pushed a README. Go ahead and submit your PR.

elibixby commented 6 years ago

@edlee2121 Thanks! I submitted #4 for comment! It's rough, but contains a lot of thoughts that are hard to clarify in short-form comments.