I expect the daemon pod to be terminated when the workflow fails, but that's not the case. The workflow is correctly marked as failed but the daemon pod keeps running until the workflow is deleted. I think it tries to delete the daemon, but it's getting a 404 response (from controller):
time="2023-01-05T18:17:43.909Z" level=info msg="Checking daemoned children of " namespace=argo workflow=daemon-nginx-7m8fc
time="2023-01-05T18:17:43.914Z" level=info msg="cleaning up pod" action=deletePod key=argo/daemon-nginx-7m8fc-1340600742-agent/deletePod
time="2023-01-05T18:17:43.915Z" level=info msg="Delete pods 404"
Some other notes:
This is unrelated to this issue, but should daemon containers count towards the dag parallelism? In this case I wanted parallelism of one, but if that's set the workflow gets stuck running just the daemon task
Without failFast the daemon pod is properly deleted
Even with just one item in withParams, the daemon pod is not properly deleted if it fails.
Paste a small workflow that reproduces the issue. We must be able to run the workflow; don't enter a workflows that uses private images.
What happened/what you expected to happen?
I expect the daemon pod to be terminated when the workflow fails, but that's not the case. The workflow is correctly marked as failed but the daemon pod keeps running until the workflow is deleted. I think it tries to delete the daemon, but it's getting a 404 response (from controller):
Some other notes:
the daemon pod is properly deletedwithParams
, the daemon pod is not properly deleted if it fails.Version
Paste a small workflow that reproduces the issue. We must be able to run the workflow; don't enter a workflows that uses private images.
Logs from the workflow controller
Logs from in your workflow's wait container