In out workflow, we have defined a list of parallel daemon steps to execute in the background. And a suspend step to hold the workflow open. If we resume the suspend step, the workflow completes, which in tern terminates the daemon pods.
However, we noticed that the terminationGracePeriodSeconds setting of the daemon pod does not seem to work. The daemon pods are abruptly killed (otherwise the graceful shutdown message should have printed in the logs) and the last log entry is
level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"
Error: exit status 143
I've also tested this with manually deleting the pods while tailing the logs. It appears that the terminations were graceful, but the exit status remained the same (143)
What happened/what you expected to happen?
In out workflow, we have defined a list of parallel daemon steps to execute in the background. And a suspend step to hold the workflow open. If we resume the suspend step, the workflow completes, which in tern terminates the daemon pods.
However, we noticed that the terminationGracePeriodSeconds setting of the daemon pod does not seem to work. The daemon pods are abruptly killed (otherwise the graceful shutdown message should have printed in the logs) and the last log entry is
I've also tested this with manually deleting the pods while tailing the logs. It appears that the terminations were graceful, but the exit status remained the same (143)
Paste a small workflow that reproduces the issue. We must be able to run the workflow; don't enter a workflows that uses private images.
Logs from the workflow controller
Logs from in your workflow's wait container