argoproj / argo-workflows

Workflow Engine for Kubernetes
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fix(test): add a `sleep` to `TestLoadToStream` #13037

Open agilgur5 opened 1 month ago

agilgur5 commented 1 month ago


Error log: ``` --- FAIL: TestLoadToStream (0.01s) --- FAIL: TestLoadToStream/Success (0.01s) load_to_stream_test.go:99: Error Trace: /home/runner/work/argo-workflows/argo-workflows/workflow/artifacts/common/load_to_stream_test.go:99 Error: Not equal: expected: 25 actual : 26 Test: TestLoadToStream/Success ```



Test passes more often

Joibel commented 1 week ago

@agilgur5 - this is still failing in the test it's supposed to fix.

agilgur5 commented 1 week ago

Yes it actually fails even worse. So there is definitely a race in this test, but I hadn't had time to figure out where.

Feel free to take over the PR