argouml-tigris-org / argouml

Main project of argouml. Some information in the wiki. Some old releases in releases. (depends on parentpom, testmodels)
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Report from macOS Catalina & help request #33

Open simonjwright opened 4 years ago

simonjwright commented 4 years ago

First, having found that the released 35.1 won’t run on Catalina I found this site; some playing with and build.xml failed, but installing Maven & building with it was successful - no change to b8cb3e1 of 9 July.

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_152"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.152-b16, mixed mode)

$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: /Users/simon/Argo/apache-maven-3.6.3
Java version: 1.8.0_152, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.15.5", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

Using it, I was surprised (being on a Mac, & used to that running

$ java -jar src/argouml-app/build/argouml.jar

failed: what is this directory for?


$ java -jar src/argouml-build/build/argouml.jar

worked just fine! (with a lot of logging INFO chatter, how to suppress?)

I’d really like to create a Mac app like the old, and I’ve found a couple of sites that address this: JarBundler (which says it’s Ant?) and universalJavaApplicationStub).

The above must reveal I’m a Maven/Java newbie: any suggestions where to start with "Maven for the bewildered"?

stcarrez commented 3 years ago

You should be able to configure the logs by adding:


With Maven, everybody is a newbie. There is some kind of magic: you cut&paste some magic XML that you find here and there until you figure to have what you want. It's very far from GNAT world :-) I've never found a good tutorial on it.