argrento / huami-token

Script to obtain watch or band bluetooth token from Huami servers
MIT License
412 stars 94 forks source link

Support downloading watchfaces #38

Open dpeddi opened 3 years ago

dpeddi commented 3 years ago

Some time ago i wrote something similar to your program to download watchface :

To download list of wf for chaohu(bip): "/discovery/cards/chaohu_watch_skins" To download list of wf for tempo(cor): "/discovery/cards/tempo_watch_skins"

headers = {
<-->SafeString("accept"): "application/x.Huami.v1+json; districts={{}};",
<-->SafeString("authorization"):     "Bearer ****************
<-->SafeString("accept-language"):   "en",
<-->SafeString("user-agent"):        "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; GT-I9505 Build/PQ3A.190801.002;
<-->SafeString("range"):             "max=10000",
<-->SafeString("sec-fetch-mode"):    "cors",
<-->SafeString("origin"):            "",
<-->SafeString("x-requested-with"):  "",
<-->SafeString("sec-fetch-site"):    "same-site",
<-->SafeString("referer"):           "",
<-->SafeString("accept-encoding"):   "identity",
params = {
#SafeString("category"):     "tempo_watch_skins",
<-->SafeString("category"):     "chaohu_watch_skins",
<-->SafeString("user_country"): "us",
<-->SafeString("pageSize"):     "20",
<-->SafeString("districts"): "",
    "v": "%d" % (time.time() * 1000),

for more recent watches the api was: /market/watch/apps/1

with these headers/params

language ="en_US"
>h = {
><-->SafeString("channel"): "Normal",
><-->SafeString("country"): country,
><-->SafeString("lang"): language,
>p = {
     "Channel": "Normal",
     SafeString("country"): country,
     SafeString("lang"): language,
     "user_region":  "4",
     "customizable": "disable",
      "per_page":     "36",
     "per_page":     "200",
     "page":         "1",
     "device":       deviceid

Feel free to add into you tool Regards