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Argument mapping and analysis platform
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Website reports an error in a foreign language when I try to associate a node with another #274

Closed raindropsfromsky closed 5 years ago

raindropsfromsky commented 8 years ago

I wanted to associate my node to this node.

The reason is that I see both these premises as co-premises (Dependent premises).

To associate the nodes, I edited my node, which pops up the _Edit Premise_ webpage. Here, I scrolled down to the _Related Argument:_ field, and entered the permalink of the other node there.

But this causes an error.

Worse, this error page is not in English, so it does not help the English-speaking users. (_BUG!_)

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I realize that there is a possibility of misinterpretation here: This field may accept the URL of an _argument_ such as this; but it may not accept a node (which is a "premise"; not an "argument").

If so, then there are two separate bugs here: 1 Arguman should allow linking to a premise (not only argument)
   In fact, it is natural to link premises rather than arguments. ( #275) 2 Arguman should be able to handle the error, rather than throwing an exception.