argumentcomputer / yatima

A zero-knowledge Lean4 compiler and kernel
MIT License
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Documentation for Lean Version Upgrade #280

Open agureev opened 1 year ago

agureev commented 1 year ago

Since Yatima is not currently in active development, it would be great to have documentation on how to upgrade the Lean version of the current project so that user may be able to still use compiler as the lake upgrade command suggested after lake run setup does not seem to bump everything properly.

Currently after pulling main and running lake run setup produces

warning: improperly formatted manifest: incompatible manifest version `4`
error: dependency 'LSpec' of 'Yatima' not in manifest, use `lake update` to update

while running lake update produces

warning: improperly formatted manifest: incompatible manifest version `4`
error: ./lake-packages/YatimaStdLib/lakefile.lean:14:15: error: invalid field 'oleanDir', the environment does not contain 'Lake.Package.oleanDir'
has type
error: ./lake-packages/YatimaStdLib/lakefile.lean:23:33: error: unknown identifier 'defaultLibDir'
error: ./lake-packages/YatimaStdLib/lakefile.lean:23:57: error: application type mismatch
  List.cons job
has type
  CustomData ( pkg, `importTarget) : Type
but is expected to have type
  BuildJob FilePath : Type
error: ./lake-packages/YatimaStdLib/lakefile.lean: package configuration has errors

Might be an issue with Lean4 Arch (AUR) package, however.