argybarg / readbacks

An open-source implementation of a method for teaching reading fluency to children. Children hear passages read by skilled readers and rehearse their own reading. In its ideal form, we keep a library of readings which can be sorted by student, keyword and other criteria.
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Make audio player cross-browser compatible #5

Open argybarg opened 10 years ago

jhow144 commented 10 years ago

Tried to get to the bottom of this issue today, with little success.

Here's what I learned: • Firefox and Opera require Ogg Vorbis format to play audio in HTML5. Not sure if it must be .oga or .ogg, or if both are supposed to work... I converted our test mp3 and it didn't work regardless of the extension. • Older versions of Firefox as require the wmode:"window" option even to play in Flash. This would open a new window for the player, so would be unsuitable for the project. I tested it anyway and although I have a recent version of Firefox (12.0), it still didn't work, with or without the wmode attribute. • For the Flash backup to work, you need to make sure you have the most recent versioin of the Jplayer .slv file. I did. • It was also suggested that the Flash fallback requires absolute file paths to function. I tested this on my laptop, to no effect. Firefox is supposed to be okay with .mp3 files (in Flash) and relative file paths. It isn't, apparently! It's supposed to have trouble with .m4a files with relative paths, but be able to handle them with an absolute path. I haven't yet tested it with a converted .m4a and absolute path. • Firebug shows JQuery loading properly, then nothing. The Flash tab remains completely empty after opening sample.html.

I think we have 3 options: 1) Make the Ogg Vorbis format work in Firefox/HTML5, then batch convert copies of all the recordings so that both .mp3 and .ogg (or .oga) formats are available. 2) Figure out why Flash apparently isn't even loading? This could easily be some missing instruction in my code that I'm unaware of (although bear in mind 95% of that code came straight from 3) Find a different HTML5 audio player.

I favor option 2... jh

jhow144 commented 10 years ago

Oops, forgot to add some reference URLs in the comment above:

From their FAQs, lots on this issue:

An addition linked from their FAQ:!topic/jplayer/q6hg2IDSfKE/discussion

Stack Overflow:
