arhuman / Data-FR-Town

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The use of Data:: namespace #2

Open perlancar opened 12 years ago

perlancar commented 12 years ago

Suggestion: Data:: is typically used for modules that manipulate/process data, not for modules that contain data themselves (there is no Code:: or Program:: counterparts, for one). I suggest Locale:: or Geo::. For example I put list of Indonesian cities in Locale::ID::Locality.

arhuman commented 12 years ago

First : Thanks for you suggestion. I hesitated to name the module, as my search on CPAN was quite confusing :

To be honest, I thought the Locale namespace was only used for I10n related stuff...

That being said, I know that the Data namespace is sub-optimal, but please grant me some time to see if the Locale::FR namespace gains some usage before I switch.