ari / jobsworth

Project Management, Collaboration and Time Tracking.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can not run locally, without DNS #186

Closed okor closed 13 years ago

okor commented 13 years ago

I'd like to run this locally, with no named DNS. However, the install process forces you to add a subdomain type url and it is not obvious how to get around this limitation. And it appears that the subdomain url is stored in the 'companies' table?

ghost commented 13 years ago

Hi there Okor,

You really don't need a DN for running the project locally, it's just that every company (as you noted) has a subdomain field, and since the script creates some defaults entities (including a 'default' company), it needs some kind of DN for populating the subdomain field. Just use whatever you want here (something like will work just fine).

okor commented 13 years ago

Oh, gee gosh golly, you're right.

Let me explain why I thought, what I thought. So my login screen would come up with a local IP but when I tried to login I received the good old rails fail page. So, I thought that was due to a built in referrers requirement. But now that I think about it, I have referrers disabled in this browser so that doesn't make sense. Wordpress for instance, will show the login screen when ran locally but then direct you to the 'install url' which may not be valid. I thought maybe this was a similar event. Anyways, the actual problem was that I hadn't set permission properly. You should chown www-data:www-data the jobsworth install directory, so it plays nice with apache. I went back and created a local version, verifying that it will run locally and it does. Perhaps the install documentation should include a chown step there towards the end? Well anyways, everything is running great locally, so thanks.