ari / jobsworth

Project Management, Collaboration and Time Tracking.
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Initialize default admin properly #656

Closed robert-scheck closed 7 years ago

robert-scheck commented 7 years ago

After a fresh installation of jobsworth 5.0 beta 1, I tried to switch the user language after the first login at /users/1 from en to de (to test #643) and tried to save it, this however leads immediately to the error:

Customer name can't be blank

Filling the field Company with Default Company solved this. Interestingly the error message talks about "customer", while the field is named "company". Honestly, I would anyway expect from the user perspective that the preloaded default data fills this field already.

ari commented 7 years ago

@k41n Andrei, this should be easy to fix. When a new tenant is created in the system we already create a user and company (customer), but it looks like they aren't linked to each other.