ariaaay / clip2brain

Code from paper "Natural language supervision with a large and diverse dataset builds better models of human high-level visual cortex"
MIT License
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About ./output/voxels_masks/language_ROIs.npy #9

Open geoffreyfan opened 3 months ago

geoffreyfan commented 3 months ago


Chris36839 commented 3 months ago

Hi, do you know how to get pictures in the “StimuliDir”?

geoffreyfan commented 3 months ago

Hi, do you know how to get pictures in the “StimuliDir”?

NSD dataset: However, after you download it, the image data is in HDF5 format. You need to convert it into individual images with COCO annotations, which I haven't figured out how to do yet.

Chris36839 commented 3 months ago

Hi, do you know how to get pictures in the “StimuliDir”?

NSD dataset: However, after you download it, the image data is in HDF5 format. You need to convert it into individual images with COCO annotations, which I haven't figured out how to do yet.

OK, thanks!