arianneorpilla / jidoujisho

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Can I use a third-party HTTP API to translate the text? #354

Open mannfuri opened 5 months ago

mannfuri commented 5 months ago

I couldn't find a suitable dictionary file, so I want to use AI(chatgpt) or other HTTP APIs translate service to help me translate words while I'm reading Japanese novels with this app.

brishtibheja commented 5 months ago

I don't recommend chatGPT. Why do you wanna get chatGPT's definitions? With dicts you have a consistent format and style.

Have you looked into Marv's Repo? He has listed many dictionaries there. You can download jmdict+jmnedict+kanjidic from there (don't download jitendex!).

For monolingual dictionaries download 実用表現 v2. It contains expressions you won't find elsewhere. Along with it use 旺文社 or 三省堂 if you're a beginner or just don't wanna mess with complicated dictionaries like me. Download Pixiv dictionary too because it contains a ton of stuff you won't find elsewhere. Trust me on this one. I personally wasn't using it until yesterday so I don't know if this replaces my other monolingual dictionary ディジタル大辞泉 because ディジタル大辞泉 has a ton of proper names and such which made it a great dict to use. Well in any case, I will continue with both.

For frequency, go with JPDB if you're into animanga stuff. I use this one and CC100 which is helpful if you are into JP internet. There was also BCCW which may be useful but I don't use it.

For those rare occasions, you might also add some specialised dictionaries. weblio古語辞典 for classical Japanese. 語源由来辞典 for etymology. 新明解四字熟語辞典 for yojis as the name can tell. surasura for mimetic words. 故事ことわざ辞典 for ことわざ and also 全国方言辞典 for speech across japan i.e., dialectal expressions not used in standard japanese.

You can find descriptions of a ton of dicts in shoui's drive which Marv links so go there first. After reading the explanations you can decide for yourself which one to use.

If you're learning English by any chance go to Yezichak's server. You can find a link in his repo on github.

If you still want to use chatGPT go ahead. put the information about format and style in custom instructions. I don't think you can use it with jidoujisho though.