ariebovenberg / whenever

⏰ Sensible and typesafe datetimes for Python
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Improving the `[Date|Time|DateTime]Delta` API #110

Open ariebovenberg opened 2 months ago

ariebovenberg commented 2 months ago

There are two design questions for DateDelta:

JaykeMeijer commented 2 months ago

While I have not encountered the usecases where a delta needs to be the component distinguishing whether it's months or years (this seems to me like something that is defined by the context, not the data object), I am not sure that optimizing for memory at this level and this point is really necessary.

That said (devil's advocating here a little bit), it looks like Python's timedelta class does normalize. Is this usecase useful enough to deviate from what is "accepted"?:

>>> timedelta(hours=24)
>>> timedelta(hours=25)
datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=3600)
bibz commented 3 weeks ago

I would like to chime in: I also think that normalised deltas are expected/assumed coming from the stdlib.

Having different behaviours for e.g. TimeDelta (normalised) and DateDelta (denormalised) is surprising, at least. (And also means DateTimeDelta has a bit of an identity crisis serving both styles of API.)

Maybe maintaining the denormalised form is out-of-scope for this component? (And could be part of a different module, if necessary?) My uninformed point-of-view is that this library is an improvement over the behaviour of the stdlib when it comes to date and time related structures. Maintaining and exposing a more "advanced" delta API seems like a different thing altogether. That being said, my main gripe here is the departure from the normalised API in the stdlib.

Rough suggestions to move forward:

  1. Everything consistently normalised (like datetime.timedelta), the smaller delta components roll over to the big ones.
  2. Everything consistently denormalised (like in the canonical format), breaking understanding from stdlib.
  3. Everything consistently denormalised through the current API (again, à la datetime.timedelta), but normalised internally and exposed with a new property/method (e.g. DateDelta.canonical_format() will not be normalised unless called after explicit normalisation DateDelta.normalize().canonical_format()).
bibz commented 3 weeks ago

(If that helps, I'd be happy to try my hand with a few test cases to cover an option I suggested.)

ariebovenberg commented 3 weeks ago

@bibz thanks for taking the time to chime in. Agree with many of your points. I'm AFK at the moment so will go more in depth in a week or so

ariebovenberg commented 2 weeks ago

@bibz Agree that it's good to default to 'expected behavior' (i.e. normalization) for users coming from the standard library. However: this only makes sense so far it's possible. The issue here is that while hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds/etc can be normalized, calendar days and months cannot.

To summarize: you always end up with at least 3 "buckets" that can be normalized internally, but not between them:

I'm leaning towards minimizing the 'number of buckets'. The 0.5 release DateTimeDelta currently has 5 buckets: years, months, weeks, days, and hours/minutes/seconds/etc.

Note that pendulum attempts to put everything into one bucket (using general rules like month=30 days), but that results in strange inconsistencies (see their issue tracker for numerous examples)

bibz commented 2 weeks ago

The issue here is that while hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds/etc can be normalized, calendar days and months cannot.

To summarize: you always end up with at least 3 "buckets" that can be normalized internally, but not between them

Yes, this makes complete sense. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I agree, minimising the number of buckets while maintaining (strict) equality sounds great.

Note that pendulum attempts to put everything into one bucket (using general rules like month=30 days), but that results in strange inconsistencies (see their issue tracker for numerous examples)

That sounds like a very bad decision for anything in production :scream: