ariel1974 / mymentor

My Mentor
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שגיאה בפרסום קליפ #157

Closed natan1957 closed 9 years ago

natan1957 commented 9 years ago


natan1957 commented 9 years ago

לא מצליח להתקין וגם לא מצליח להסיר image [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i001: Burn v3.9.10.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\HP\Downloads\MyMentorSetup (3).exe, cmdline: '' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i000: Initializing string variable 'InstallFolder' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]MyMentor V2' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\MyMentor_V2.0_Installer_20150103162119.log' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\HP\Downloads\MyMentorSetup (3).exe' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'MyMentor V2.0 Installer' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i100: Detect begin, 2 packages [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378675' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i102: Detected related bundle: {ea6a34ec-4c30-4417-9466-ca75cba5675b}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine, version:, operation: MajorUpgrade [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378389' evaluates to true. [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i103: Detected related package: {E0F66803-91BF-4571-B8B2-D442D5513E1D}, scope: PerMachine, version:, language: 1033 operation: MinorUpdate [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i101: Detected package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, cached: None [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i101: Detected package: Setup, state: Present, cached: None [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:19]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0 [0730:1F6C][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 1 [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i200: Plan begin, 2 packages, action: Install [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx45Web [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_Setup' to value 'C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp\MyMentor_V2.0_Installer_20150103162119_0_Setup.log' [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i201: Planned package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i201: Planned package: Setup, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: MinorUpgrade, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i207: Planned related bundle: {ea6a34ec-4c30-4417-9466-ca75cba5675b}, type: Upgrade, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: Uninstall, rollback: Install, dependency: None [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0 [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i300: Apply begin [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]e000: Error 0x80070020: Failed to create engine file at path: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp{2a0e6dbf-316e-4311-bb41-af0a6681202b}.be\MyMentorSetup.exe [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]e000: Error 0x80070020: Failed to copy engine: 'C:\Users\HP\Downloads\MyMentorSetup (3).exe' to working path: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Temp{2a0e6dbf-316e-4311-bb41-af0a6681202b}.be\MyMentorSetup.exe [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]e000: Error 0x80070020: Failed to cache engine to working directory. [0730:1650][2015-01-03T16:21:23]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070020, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

ariel1974 commented 9 years ago

לפי הלוג נראה שההתקנה לא הצליחה בגלל הרשאות או משהו להתקין. נסה להריץ כאדמין

ariel1974 commented 9 years ago

Problems specific for Windows 8 The install program needs the Windows Firewall to be running as it adds some rules. The install has been seen to fail when the Windows 8 Firewall is disabled,

natan1957 commented 9 years ago

שיחקתי עם האנטי וירוס... נראה מה יהיה בגרסה הבאה...