arielfaur / ionic-audio

An audio player for Ionic 3 and Angular 4. Works with HTML 5 audio or native audio using Cordova Media plugin.
MIT License
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track information and progress bar doesn't work, maybe its a scope problem #66

Open filipecrosk opened 8 years ago

filipecrosk commented 8 years ago

HI Guys,

I'm having some trouble to put this project to work. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't get the track information and the ion-audio-progress-bar isn't working.

Take a look at this screen record: Screenshot

As you can see the "{{audioTrack}}" is showing correct outside the ion-audio-track component, but it's not loading inside the component.

That's my template:

      <ion-audio-track track="audioTrack">
        audiotrack: {{audioTrack}}
        track: {{track}}
        <div class="list list-inset audio-player">
          <div class="item item-thumbnail-left">
              <img src="{{}}">
              <h2>title: {{audioTrack.title}}</h2>
                    <a class="button button-icon icon" ion-audio-play></a>
                    <ion-spinner icon="ios"></ion-spinner>
          <div class="item">
            <ion-audio-progress-bar track="audioTrack" display-time></ion-audio-progress-bar>

That's my controller:

controller('SermonsDetailCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, Sermons, $sce, $cordovaSocialSharing, $ionicLoading, MediaManager) {
  $scope.trustSrc = function(src) {
    return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);

    template: 'Loading...'

  Sermons.getSermon($stateParams.serieId, $stateParams.sermonId).then(function (sermon) {
    $scope.sermon = sermon;

    $scope.embedVideo ="watch?v=", "embed/");

    $scope.audioTrack = {
      title: sermon.title,
      art: sermon.image

  $scope.stopPlayback = function() {
  // stop any track before leaving current view
  $scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeLeave', function() {

  $scope.showStudy = false;
  $scope.showAudioPlayer = false;
  $scope.showQuestions = function(){
    $scope.showStudy = !$scope.showStudy;
  $scope.showContent = function(){
    $scope.showStudy = !$scope.showStudy;
  $scope.showPlayer = function(){
    $scope.showAudioPlayer = !$scope.showAudioPlayer;

Did I miss some extra configuration here?

By the way, thanks a lot @arielfaur this addon is really nice.

mrbankim commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am also facing same issue. The progress bar is not working for me. Can anyone plz help me out?

arielfaur commented 8 years ago

@filipecrosk Did you get it working? Which audio format are you trying to play?

filipecrosk commented 8 years ago

@arielfaur Unfortunately not yet. I was trying to play a regular mp3 file hosted on S3. I can share the code of my app if you want to test it.

filipecrosk commented 8 years ago

@arielfaur here is the code if you want to test:

The template of this track is here:

kwvanderlinde commented 7 years ago

I had this issue too (assuming it's for the same reason). The problem (I believe) is that ionAudioProgressBar assigns to scope.track if scope.track is undefined. Unfortunately, if the parent scope has not yet defined this property, this will forever override the parent property. In your case, this means that, unless $scope.audioTrack exists by the time ionAudioProgressBar is loaded, your track will never be recognized by it.

I think the real solution is to rework the code for ionAudioProgressBar so that it does not assign to scope.track. In the meantime, a workaround would be to add the line $scope.audioTrack = {} to the top of your SermonsDetailCtrl.