arielfaur / ionic-wizard

A set of angular directives to create a wizard using Ionic's slide box
MIT License
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Conditionally render ion-slide/ion-wizard-step #14

Open niyando opened 9 years ago

niyando commented 9 years ago

Firstly, thanks for providing this nifty way of working with ionic slide box. Great plugin to have.

I am conditionally rendering ion-wizard-step using following

      <ion-slide ion-wizard-step ng-if="options.something"  next-condition="options.something_else">

using ng-if on ion-slide works well when its false. When its true, it messes up the next-condition (button is disabled even when condition is true). Using ng-if on a parent tag like <div> renders a blank slide. Using ng-show works correctly when its true but things fall apart when it is false.

Is there an appropriate way to conditionally render an ion-slide ion-wizard-step ?

As an alternative, It can be also helpful to have ion-wizard-skip-step that would skip the step when doing next/prev over looking next/prev conditions.


arielfaur commented 9 years ago

I will try to look into that as soon as I find time. It's been busy lately!

niyando commented 9 years ago

Could you pin point where I could start looking? .. would be happy to contribute.

arielfaur commented 9 years ago

I fixed the issue. Could you please download the ion-wizard.js from here and replace it in your project? It should work with ng-if now. Let me know if it works for you. Then I will build a new release.

niyando commented 9 years ago

I will try this and let you know. Thnx @arielfaur :+1:

niyando commented 9 years ago

Hey, this didn't fix the issue. However, I was able to reproduce the issue in this Plunker

if you check intro.html slide 2 has been marked as ng-if="false" this doesn't render the slide 2 which is correct but it messes up the next-condition check for slide 3.

remove ng-if="false" on slide 2 to see the validation working on screen 3. Hope this helps.

arielfaur commented 8 years ago

You are right. I have tried your use case and it still doesn't work. I'll look into it, thanks!

niyando commented 8 years ago

Ok. thanks :+1:

jeffet commented 8 years ago

Hi Is there any chance that this enhancement was created? I am looking for a way to conditionally display specific slides via the wizard. Thanks!

johnhearn commented 7 years ago

Is there a workaround for this in the meantime? I just need to skip a step given a specific condition.

arielfaur commented 7 years ago

@johnhearn I don't have time to maintain these modules for Ionic 1, I am focused on Ionic 2 now. The feature you request is not implemented. You would have to modify the plugin. It should be easy though!

niyando commented 7 years ago

@johnhearn, this is how I managed to get it work. Check for the sample code below.

parent container for slides

  <ion-view hide-nav-bar="true">
    <ion-slide-box show-pager="false" ion-wizard on-slide-changed="changePage($index)">
      <ion-slide ion-wizard-step ng-repeat="step in page.steps | filter:{skip:'!true'} track by step.view" ui-view="{{step.view}}">

controller code

  $ = {};
  $ = [

  var all_steps_by_name = ${
    return e.view;

  function getStepIndex(viewname){
    return all_steps_by_name.indexOf(viewname);

  $scope.changePage = function(i){
    $ = i;

  $scope.changePage(0); //init

  // performance - render only current slide
  $scope.showSlide =function(i){
    return (Math.abs(i - $ < 1);

  // got to next slide
  $ = function(){
    return true;

  // update slidebox
  $ = function(){

  // critical to update slidebox after changing properties of steps
    }, 500);

  //conditionally render steps
  $[getStepIndex("step_two")].skip = true;
  $[getStepIndex("step_four")].skip = Math.random() >= 0.5;

sample and general html for steps (step_one.html)

  <div ng-if="showSlide($index)">
    <div class="padding">
      <button class="button button-block" ng-click="">

states structure

  .state('container', {
    url: '/xyz',
    abstract: true,
    views: {
      'menuContent': {
        templateUrl: 'templates/container.html',
        controller: 'ContainerCtrl'

    url: '',
    views: {
        templateUrl: 'templates/step_one.html'
        templateUrl: 'templates/step_two.html',
        controller: 'StepTwoCtrl'
      // likewise ...

Hope this helps.