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32-bit JVM problems #2

Closed kbagstad closed 13 years ago

kbagstad commented 13 years ago

Ciao Ferd -

I'd like to test to see if the 32-bit JVM is indeed the problem with the hanging raster layers, but can't do this due to problems below (reposting from an earlier email - appreciate your looking at this).

I'm having problems switching back to the 32-bit JVM for testing purposes - imageio issues when trying to run 32-bit java and genie. My version of the JDK has the native java 3d, jai, and jai imageio libraries installed correctly. I've verified this in the thinklab clojure repl with Gary's help. But when I run this command: model -o C:\netcdfs\sptests4\ core.models.recreation-san-pedro/source-birding core.contexts.beta/san_pedro_us256, I get the following error, which Gary doesn't get when he runs the same command:

Application start failed. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/util/Iterator;) at it.geosolutions.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader.prepareRead( at at at at at at at at org.integratedmodelling.geospace.coverage.AbstractRasterCoverage.getSubdivisionValue( at at org.integratedmodelling.corescience.implementations.observations.Ranking$RankingStateAccessor.getNextValue( at org.integratedmodelling.corescience.implementations.observations.Ranking$RankingStateAccessor.getValue( at at org.integratedmodelling.corescience.compiler.Contextualizer$ at javax.realtime.MemoryArea.executeInArea(Unknown Source) at Source)

Gary and I have both pushed everything we have and fetched and merged from everyone so our repositories are synchronized. We've also both performed a full cleaning procedure and rebuild. The stack trace seems to indicate that imageio is available on the classpath and we've verified that ImageUtil can be imported successfully, however the getDestinationType method (which is static) is not available. You can find the defintion of the imageUtil class at:; it looks like maybe we have an imageio version mismatch problem.

Thanks, Ken

fvilla commented 13 years ago

See last comment (#7) in issue #1 - all I can suggest. As noted, remember I wrote thinklab, not java, and did not endorse the configuration you're running. This or #1 are not necessarily proper tickets for thinklab or aries. I only have a 32-bit architecture at the moment, and I run under eclipse as always, not a single problem in months.

fvilla commented 13 years ago

Won't fix - not a thinklab issue, server-based workflow should take care of this.