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Ontology problem with flood regulation model #37

Closed lambdatronic closed 12 years ago

lambdatronic commented 12 years ago


lambdatronic commented 12 years ago


Running core.models.flood-puget/flood-regulation-public-assets-500 through the web interface in a polygon selected within Washington State runs to completion successfully but bails during Ferd's repacking code, apparently due to a missing concept. Take a look:

Returning the results map to Ferd's code.
"Elapsed time: 22113.490048 msecs"
possible-use being stored as an observation of floodService:PotentialFloodDamageReceived
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
actual-use being stored as an observation of floodService:FloodDamageReceived
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 317 [Post] 1223
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
theoretical-sink being stored as an observation of floodService:PotentialRunoffMitigation
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 317 [Post] 1223
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
blocked-use being stored as an observation of floodService:FloodMitigationBenefitsAccrued
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
theoretical-source being stored as an observation of floodService:Runoff
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
possible-source being stored as an observation of floodService:PotentiallyDamagingRunoff
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 8369 [Post] 27244
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
possible-flow being stored as an observation of floodService:PotentiallyDamagingFloodFlow
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 572 [Post] 2061
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
blocked-source being stored as an observation of floodService:FloodMitigatedRunoff
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 8112 [Post] 26891
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
No observable defined for :inaccessible-use: skipping
blocked-flow being stored as an observation of floodService:AbsorbedFloodFlow
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
theoretical-use being stored as an observation of floodService:PotentiallyVulnerablePopulations
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
actual-flow being stored as an observation of floodService:ActualFloodFlow
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 2 [Post] 198
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
actual-source being stored as an observation of floodService:FloodDamagingRunoff
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 8112 [Post] 26891
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
inaccessible-sink being stored as an observation of floodService:UnutilizedRunoffMitigation
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 572 [Post] 2061
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
actual-sink being stored as an observation of floodService:UtilizedRunoffMitigation
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...
inaccessible-source being stored as an observation of floodService:BenignRunoff
  Distinct Layer Values: [Pre] 1 [Post] 1
Resampling matrix from 66 x 128 to 200 x 384...,42.66628,-112.10449,48.951366&WIDTH=600&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&VERSION=1.1.1
2011-12-14 10:54:01,377 [Thread-17] WARN  org.integratedmodelling.corescience.CoreScience geofeatures:Floodplain: can't convert a java.lang.String into a double
2011-12-14 10:54:01,377 [Thread-17] WARN  org.integratedmodelling.corescience.CoreScience geofeatures:Floodplain: can't convert a java.lang.String into a double
2011-12-14 10:54:12,819 [Thread-17] INFO  org.integratedmodelling.modelling.ModellingPlugin visualization of floodService:AvoidedDamageToPublicAssets500 created in /home/gjohnson/.thinklab/data/org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.http/data/web/aries/8ae19b83-34a3-45c7-9140-4da5613b30ae/aimg20111214104716/floodservice.avoideddamagetopublicassets500.20111214105346
2011-12-14 10:54:12,820 [Thread-17] INFO  org.integratedmodelling.modelling.ModellingPlugin computation of core.models.flood-puget/flood-regulation-public-assets-500 finished successfully
Exception in thread "Thread-8" org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabRuntimeException: org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabInternalErrorException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.ThinkcapCometComponent$
Caused by: org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabInternalErrorException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.ThinkcapCometComponent.dequeueNext(
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.ThinkcapCometComponent.access$300(
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.ThinkcapCometComponent$
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.ThinkcapCometComponent.dequeueNext(
    ... 2 more
Caused by: org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabRuntimeException: org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabResourceNotFoundException: resource not found: concept southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood is unknown
    at org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.storyline.StorylineTemplate$Page.getConcept(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.ModelStorylineView.isPageEnabled(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.StorylineView.showSequence(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.ModelStorylineView.initPages(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.ModelStorylineView.getImage(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.ModelStorylineView.getImageArea(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.StorylineView.setupView(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.StorylineView.render(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.ModelStorylineView.<init>(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.AriesBrowser.createStorylineView(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline.StorylineControlPanel.<init>(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.AriesModuleView.display(
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.view.components.Sidebar.redisplay(
    at org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.AriesBrowser.refreshStoryline(
    ... 7 more
Caused by: org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabResourceNotFoundException: resource not found: concept southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood is unknown
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.KnowledgeManager.requireConcept(
    at org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.KnowledgeManager.requireConcept(
    at org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.storyline.StorylineTemplate$Page.getConcept(
    ... 20 more
kbagstad commented 12 years ago

Yup. southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood has been refactored as southernCalifornia:FloodVegetationType. However I don't have the faintest clue what part of the system is calling for the old "southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood" concept. If you can do a quick search for any instances of "southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood" and replace them with "southernCalifornia:FloodVegetationType" that should take care of whatever's going on here.

lambdatronic commented 12 years ago

My search through the ARIES repo only found instances of that concept in the build directory. This is where compiled class files are dumped. This indicates to me that the newest version of ARIES no longer has any instances of that concept. So I suggest that you just run ant clean in your thinklab and aries repos. Then delete your aries and thinklab install directories along with the .jpf-shadow directory. Finally, rebuild and reinstall thinklab and aries. This should resolve the problem.

To do this on your own machine, I suggest that you pop open a shell and type the following:

cd workspace/aries         (or wherever your aries git repo is)
find . | xargs grep "southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood"

Some shell suggestions are:

  1. Git Bash
  2. In emacs, type Alt-x eshell Enter
  3. In emacs, type Alt-x ansi-term Enter

On the downside, it looks like the most recent changes to the dev branch have broken the pload aries command again. The new error is:

no concept SedimentSourceValueAnnualClass in namespace core.models.sediment-dr: add it in a namespace-ontology form
kbagstad commented 12 years ago

Fair enough, will do. The SedimentSourceValueAnnualClass problem is strange: I refactored it to the more consistent and less tongue-twister-y "AnnualSedimentSourceClass" but forgot to fix it in the keep lists. Somehow it ploaded fine on my machine, so I committed it. I've gone back and fixed it, and just committed it, so pull and merge and hopefully that problem will be gone.


On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:

My search through the ARIES repo only found instances of that concept in the build directory. This is where compiled class files are dumped. This indicates to me that the newest version of ARIES no longer has any instances of that concept. So I suggest that you just run ant clean in your thinklab and aries repos. Then delete your aries and thinklab install directories along with the .jpf-shadow directory. Finally, rebuild and reinstall thinklab and aries. This should resolve the problem.

To do this on your own machine, I suggest that you pop open a shell and type the following:

cd workspace/aries         (or wherever your aries git repo is)
find . | xargs grep "southernCalifornia:VegetationTypeSoCalFlood"

Some shell suggestions are:

  1. Git Bash
  2. In emacs, type Alt-x eshell Enter
  3. In emacs, type Alt-x ansi-term Enter

On the downside, it looks like the most recent changes to the dev branch have broken the pload aries command again. The new error is:

no concept SedimentSourceValueAnnualClass in namespace core.models.sediment-dr: add it in a namespace-ontology form

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kbagstad commented 12 years ago

OK, did the ant clean, etc. process. Also just pushed some changes that should help the system load properly - very strange that I didn't run into them earlier. Anyhow, this should be ready to close.